क्र.सं. | नाम | पद | ईमेल , दूरभाष और एसटीडी कोड | विशेषज्ञता के क्षेत्र | फोटो |
1 | डॉ. सुहास खोबरागड़े | वैज्ञानिक ‘ज़ी’ एवं प्रभागाध्यक्ष | suhas[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in sdkhobragade[at]yahoo[dot]com +91-1332-249220 +91-9411100576 | Lake hydrology Evaporation and evapotranspiration Sedimentation in lakes Eutrophication and water quality of lakes Isotope applications to lake studies Integrated lake basin management (ILBM) | |
2 | डॉ. एम.एस. राव | वैज्ञानिक ‘एफ’ | somesh[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in 65somesh[at]gmail[dot]com +91-1332-249225 +91-9719537302 | Application of Isotopes in Surface Water, Groundwater, Atmospheric Moisture and Climate Studies | |
3 | डॉ. सोबन सिंह रावत | वैज्ञानिक ‘एफ’ | ssrawat[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in +91-1332-249227 +91-9086008699 | - | |
4 | डॉ. संतोष एम पिंगले | वैज्ञानिक ‘डी’ | pingalesm[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in pingalesm[at]gmail[dot]com +91-1332-249388 +91-7409627187 | Climate Change Water Resources Management Hydrological Modelling Remote Sensing and GIS Groundwater hydrology and modelling | |
5 | अंजलि | वैज्ञानिक ‘सी‘ | anjali[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in +91-1332-249232 +91-9435273568 | कंटामिनेंट ट्रांसपोर्ट मॉडलिंग | |
6 | श्री. राजीव गुप्ता | वैज्ञानिक ‘बी’ | guptarajeev[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in rajeevguptaroorkee[at]gmail[dot]com +91-1332-249245 +91-9927074775 | Operation & maintenance of Liquid Scintillation Counter Operation & maintenance of Gamma Spectrometer Field work for various Hydrological Investigations Sediment Dating | |
वैज्ञानिक और तकनीकी स्टाफ | |||||
1 | श्री. विपिन कु अग्रवाल | एस.आर.ए | vipinkagarwal[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in vkanih[at]gmail[dot]com +91-1332-249283 +91-7409929934 | Operation & maintenance of Ultra Low Level Liquid Scintillation Counter Operation & maintenance of CO2 Absorption Line Field work for various Hydrological Investigations Groundwater Dating | |
2 | श्री. विशाल गुप्ता | आर.ए | vishal[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in vishalnih[at]gmail[dot]com +91-1332-249282 +91-7830888869 | Operation & maintenance of CF-IRMS Operation & maintenance of DI-IRMS Operation & maintenance of Laser based IRMS Equipments for Hydrological Investigations | |
3 | श्री. सत्य प्रकाश | एमटीएस | satya[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in satyagsd[at]gmail[dot]com +91-1332-249281 +91-9927243422 | Operation & maintenance of Electronics equipment of HI & Nuclear Lab Field work for various Hydrological Investigations Lab work for various Hydrological Investigations | |
4 | श्री. जगदीश चौधरी | एमटीएस | jagdish[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in +91-1332-249284 +91-9897161624 | Operation of De-ionised water plant Lab work for various Hydrological Investigations |