
Contribution to MoWR/GoI Programs

Inter-linking of Rivers

  • Hydrological Study of Ken-Betwa Link
  • Simulation Study of Mahanadi-Godavari Link
  • Study of Sankh- South Koel- Subarnarekha Link

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY )

  • Watershed Development: Neeranchal National Watershed Project
  • RRR: Rejuvenation of village ponds
  • हर खेत को पानी : MAR (Ground Water Development)
  • Per Drop More crop: Water Use Efficiency

Studies in Ganga Basin

  • NMSHE (DST)National Mission for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem
  • Cumulative Impact Assessment of Hydropower Projects in Upper Ganga Basin
  • Assessment of Environmental Flows for Upper Ganga Basin

Water Availability and Basin Planning

  • Water Availability and Reservoir Operation for Krishna Basin
  • World Class Protocols for Water Availability
  • Water Accounting
  • Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

National Hydrology Project

  • Nodal Agency for Purpose Driven Studies (PDS)
  • Nodal Agency for Training & Capacity Building
  • Centre of Excellence for Hydrological Modeling
  • Decision Support System (DSS)