S. No. | Name of the Course | Period | Venue |
1 | Urban Hydrological Studies of Pilot Area using Hydrological Instruments in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) Area | 14th December 2023 | I&CAD, Hyderabad |
2 | Life Cycle Approach for Rejuvenation of Ponds and Lakes using Nature Based Solutions | 13-17, March 2023 | DRC, NIH, Kakinada |
3 | Training Workshop on Role of Hydrology in Urban Flood Management | 6-8 February 2023 | DRC, NIH, Kakinada |
4 | One day workshop on “Impact of Untreated sewage water on shallow Groundwater Quality and its Remedies” | 20th February 2020 | DRC, NIH, Kakinada |
4 | One day workshop on “High Performance Advanced Septic System (HPAS) for villages and Roadside Restaurants “ | 15th March 2019 | DRC, NIH, Kakinada |
5 | One day Inception Workshop on ‘Groundwater Salinity Source Identification in Godavari Delta, A.P’ under National Hydrology Project, Purpose Driven Study | 25th July 2018 | DRC, NIH, Kakinada |
6 | DSS (H): Deliberating Modules and Database | 6-7 September 2017 | Phulbani, Khandamal, Odisha |
7 | DSS (H): Deliberating Modules and Database | 28-29 August 2017 | Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh |
8 | Training programme on ‘Groundwater flow and Transport Modelling’ | 26-30 September 2016 | DRC, NIH, Kakinada |
9 | Training course on ‘Investigation, Assessment and Management for sustainable Ground Water Development of Coastal Aquifer’ | 9-13 February 2016 | DRC, NIH, Kakinada |
10 | Training course on ‘Project Hydrology’ | 2-6 February 2015 | DRC, NIH, Kakinada. |