Home ❯ Regional Centers ❯ Hard Rock Regional Centres ❯ Completed Studies
Completed Studies
- Development of prediction tools for Assessment of Water Resources in Ungauged catchments of west Flowing Rivers of Western Ghats Region.
- Climate Change Impact Assessment for Jayakwadi Reservoir
- Flood Vulnerability Assessment and developing mitigation plan for Thiruvananthapuram City, Kerala
- Hydrogeological studies in and around “Redi Iron Ore Mine” (Block I) located at village Redi, Vengurla Taluk, Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra.
- Hydrogeological studies in and around “Redi Iron Ore Mine” (Patni Mine) located at village Redi, Vengurla Taluk, Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra.
- Hydrological Impacts of Land Cover Changes In Humid Tropical Watersheds Located In The Sahayadri Mountains, India
- An Investigation of Changes in Rainfall and River Flow Structure due to Climate Change in a Selected Basin of the Western Ghats Region
- Effectiveness of Storage Tanks for groundwater Recharging in North Karnataka region
- Integrated Water resources Management for Manimala River basin
- Review Of Existing Empirical Formulae Used In Water Resources Planning and Design
- Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) on a Pilot Basin – Zuari River Basin, Goa
- Sediment Transport Characteristics of Rivers of Karnataka
- Application of Geo-statistical methods for analyzing sedimentation pattern in river basins of Kerala State
- Runoff estimation in a catchment using GIS and WEB based tools: A case study
- Effect of Sand Mining on River and Groundwater Regime in Hard Rock Areas:A Case Study from Andhra Pradesh
- Water Quality Assessment Using Remote Sensing Technique – A Case study
- Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Hydrological Parameters of Malaprabha Sub-basin
- A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Quality Status of Kerala State
- Impact of Urbanization on Surface and Ground water Quality and Quantity – A Case Study
- Spring-flow Studies in Parts of Sindhudrug district and Ghataprabha sub-basin
- Water Balance Studies of the Forested Watersheds, Western Ghats, India (DST sponsored)
- Yield Studies of Yettinahole Project, Karnataka
- Dam Break Analysis of Dams in Sharavathi and Varahi Basins
- Hydro-geological investigation in MRPL campus
- Environmental Impact Assessment of Shivanasamudram Hydroelectric Project
- Clean and safe Drinking Water supply to rural community using River Bank Filtration technique in Hard Rock Regions of Krishna Basin, Karnataka, India
- Studies on Occurrence, Distribution and Sustainability of Natural Springs for Rural Water Supply in parts of Western Ghats, India
- Estimation of submarine Groundwater Discharge in parts of Karnataka.
- Impact of LU/LC and catchment characteristics on Runoff and Groundwater Dynamics of Western Ghats, Karnataka
Page last updated on 30.01.2024