
About Division

Dr. A. R. Senthil Kumar
Scientist-G & Head
Water Resources Systems Division
National Institute of Hydrology
Roorkee – 247667 (Uttarakhand), India
Ph: 01332-249223
Fax: 01332-272123, Email: arsk[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in

There are a number of concerns in management of water resources in India: a) we have large spatial and temporal variability in availability of water and mismatch with demands which results in deficits, disasters such as floods, droughts, soil erosion and reservoir sedimentation, etc.; b) water stress in large parts of our country is rising, triggered mainly by rapid growth in population, irrigation needs, industrialization, urbanization and climate change; and c) lack of accessible databases on hydrology and related sectors. Water resources projects are frequently planned in isolated manner without giving due consideration to optimum utilization and environment sustainability. Water Resources Systems (WRS) division is working towards finding solution to these issues. The division has initiated experimental hydrology works in the Central (Henval, Uttarakhand), Western (Leh, Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir) Himalaya, and Eastern (Teesta) Himalaya involving the establishment of a state-of-art hydrological field observatory with advance automated instrumentations such as automatic weather station, automatic water level recorder etc. The Division is actively participating in National Hydrology Project (NHP), National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Eco-system (NMSHE), and National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS) project.

Vision & Mision

Division is determined to provide feasible solutions to the water problems by developing and applying methodologies for integrated and optimum management of water resources at basin scale. The vision & mission of the division are:

  • Develop and apply methodologies for integrated assessment and optimum management of water resources in a river basin.
  • Establish and operate experimental catchments to understand hydrological processes: ET, soil moisture, recharge, runoff etc.
  • Cryospheric studies to understand and model snow/glacier and permafrost processes.
  • Develop and apply advanced tools such as Remote Sensing and GIS for water resources planning and management.
  • Develop user-friendly software for analysis of water systems.
  • Contribute scientific inputs for water governance.
  • Develop Web-based Water Resources Information Systems.
Page last updated on 10.02.2023