
Sponsored Projects

S.N Title Sponsoring Agency Partners Duration PI
1. Environmental Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystem of Upper Ganga Basin (On-going), 2016-21. DST, New Delhi GKU, Haridwar 5 year M. K. Sharma
2. Ground Water Quality Assessment with Special Reference to Sulphate Contamination in Bemetara District of Chhattisgarh State and Ameliorative Measures (On-going), 2017-20 NHP (PDS) W.R. Department, Raipur (Chattisgarh) 3 year M. K. Sharma
3. Water Quality Assessment of Southwest Punjab Emphasizing Carcinogenic Contaminants and their Possible Remedial Measures (On-going), 2017-20 NHP (PDS) Irrigation Department, Mohali (Punjab) 3 year Rajesh Singh