Photograph | Name & Contact | Areas of Specialisation |
Dr. Anupma Sharma Scientist ‘G & Head’ +91-1332-249224 | Numerical modeling of groundwater flow and solute transport, Coastal aquifers and salt water intrusion, Skimming well technology, Simulation-optimization methods in groundwater, Geogenic contamination, Integrated management of water resources, Environmental flows, Vadose zone hydrology | |
Dr. Sumant Kumar +91-1332-249313 | Groundwater Contamination, Hydrogeochemistry, Groundwater Modelling and Management, Rainwater Harvesting and Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR),Hydrogeological Assessment | |
Dr. Lagudu Surinaidu +91-1332-249206 | Groundwater hydrology, Coastal Aquifers, Seawater Intrusion, Groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling, Integrated hydrological modelling, Hydrogeophysics, Hydrogeochemistry and Groundwater-Surface water interactions | |
Dr. Nitesh Patidar Scientist ‘C’ +91-1332-249222 | Surface and subsurface hydrological modeling, groundwater recharge estimation, application of remote sensing, machine learning and ensemble techniques in hydrology; Land cover classification | |
Ms. Anjali Scientist 'C' anjali[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in | Groundwater flow and contaminant Transport Modelling, Contaminant Hydrology, Micro-plastic assessment & Treatment, Water Quality, Risk Assessment and Landfill Leachate Analysis and Treatment. | |
Dr. Ajit Kumar Behera Scientist 'C' +91-1332-249262 | Coastal Hydrogeology, Groundwater Flow Modeling, Hydrogeochemical Evolution, Stable Isotopes, Seawater Intrusion, Submarine Groundwater Discharge | |
Dr. Sushindra Kumar Gupta Scientist 'C' +91-1332-249256 | Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, Sediment Yield Modeling, Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN) Method, Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA), Application of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Groundwater Hydrology and RS & GIS Application in Water Resources. | |
Dr. Satendra Kumar Scientist 'B' +91-1332-249387 | Soil Physics, Soil-water Salinity, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Unsaturated and Root Zone Hydraulics, Groundwater Hydrology, Modelling, Simulation and Estimation of Parameters by Inverse Techniques | |
Sh. Pintu Kumar Gupta Scientist 'B' +91-1332-249399 | Ground Water Flow Modelling, Soil and Water Conservation, Irrigation and Drainage, Watershed development and Management, Pond and River Rejuvenation, Rainwater Water Harvesting, Remote Sensing and GIS application in Water Resources, Integrated Natural Resource Management. | |
Mr. Ram Chander SRA +91-01332-249304 | Field data monitoring & investigations | |
Smt. Nisha Kichalu PS +91-1332-249204 | - | |
Mr. C.S.Chauhan Tech.Gr.I csc[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in | Soil-Water laboratory experimentation and analysis | |
Sh. Alok Kumar Sharma Tech.Gr.III aks[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in | ||
Mr. Dinesh Kumar MTS (Technical) dinesh[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in | Assisting in Soil-Water laboratory experimentation and analysis |
Note: (Ground Water = GW, Surface Water =SW, Water Resources= WR, Water Quality = WQ)