1 | Hydrology of Extremes - Flood management
- Urban flooding
- Drought mitigation and management
- Glacier lakes outburst flood
- Early warning systems
2 | Environmental Hydrology - Pollution from point and non-point sources
- Water quality and health
- Environmental flow in rivers
- River bank filtration studies
- Water treatment/remediation technologies
3 | Regional Hydrology - Rationalization of hydrological flow variables
- Development of regional flood frequency relationships
- Development of regional unit hydrograph relationships using parametric and non-parametric approaches
- Development and application of geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph approaches
- Development of regional drought indices
4 | Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) - Development of IWRM Plan at different scales
- Action research on IWRM activities for water security planning
- Hydrological modelling
- Water resources assessment
- Integrated operation of reservoirs
- DSS development and applications
- Conjunctive surface water & groundwater planning, modelling and management
- Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR)
- Groundwater management for aquifers vulnerable to contaminants of geogenic origin
- Coastal groundwater studies
- Emerging innovative methods for management of surface and ground water including quality
5 | Hydrological Studies for North-East Region |
6 | Hydrological Studies for Himalayan Region |
7 | Hydrology for Watershed Management - Forest hydrology
- Springs rejuvenation and management
- Hydrology of lakes and wetlands
- Rejuvenation of ponds and other small water bodies
- Water management in mined areas
- Water management in salinity-affected areas
- Water management in coastal and hard rock aquifers
- Impact assessment studies
8 | R&D Under National Water Mission - Development / implementation of modern technology for measurement of various data
- Research and studies on all aspects related to impact of climate change on hydrologic cycle and water resources, including quality aspects
- Assessment of impact of climate change on water resources
- Dynamics of deeper aquifers
- Centre for Climate Change Studies
- Centre for Snow & Glacier Studies
9 | Capacity building of NIH Scientists and staff |
10 | Technology Transfer and Outreach Activities - Training workshops
- Seminars/symposia
- Stakeholders’ workshops
- Science-policy interface
- IPR issues in hydrology and water resources
- PPP linkages