Dr. B. Venkatesh
Scientist-G & Head
National Institute of Hydrology
Hard Rock Regional Center
Main Road, Irrigation Colony
Visvesvaraya Nagar
Belagavi – 590019 (Karnataka), India
Ph: 0831-2447714, Fax: 0831-2447269
Email: hrrcnih[at]gmail[dot]com, venkatesh[dot]nihr[at]gov[dot]in
About 67% area of India is occupied by hard rock terrain. This region frequently experiences drought and at times flood also. The groundwater is one of the most dependable water resources in the region. Over the last decade, the usage of groundwater has increased exponentially causing lowering of groundwater levels. On the other hand, increased anthropogenic activities in region have resulted in dramatic changes in the land use and land cover. This has strongly affected the water availability of the region. These problems are further complicated by the changes observed in the rainfall and meteorological parameters over the region. Keeping these problems of the peninsular India in view, the Hard Rock Regional Centre (HRRC) is carrying out studies related to water availability of the hard rock region, forest hydrology, groundwater, and water logging and salinity studies. However, looking at the present and future needs of the region, drought studies, urban hydrology and the impacts of climate change on water resources sector have also been added.
Current R & D Activities: The Regional Centre is actively involved in conducting field-based Studies for many years. Presently the centre is engaged in many research studies, such as, Monitoring and Evaluation of Ground Water Quality of Belagavi City, Karnataka, India, Groundwater Model development in Micro Basin of Hard Rock in Krishna and Godavari River basins of Telangana Impact of Sand Mining on Groundwater Regime in parts of Manjira River Basin, Telangana State, Comprehensive Assessment of Water Availability, Use and Issues for Goa State, Comprehensive Assessment of Hydrology of large River basins of Western Ghats of Karnataka, Studies on Occurrence and Distribution of springs in parts of Western Ghats, India, Water productivity assessment in Irrigation projects by Geospatial optimization Techniques. Also doing consultancy study of Flood review in Kali and Sharavathy river basin, Dam Break analysis, inundation mapping and preparation of Emergency action Plan for Dams in Kali, Sharavathy and Varahi river basins sponsored by Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd. Comprehensive Hydrological analysis of Harangi Catchment.
Interaction with other organizations: The HRRC has taken up collaborative studies with Maharashtra Irrigation and Ground Water departments, Karnataka Water Resources Department and Ground Water Department of Telangana. The Regional centre is regularly interacting with Karnataka Irrigation Department; Water and Land Management Institute, Dharwad, Institute of Water studies, Taramani, Chennai; Central Ground Water Board; Dept. of Mines and Geology, Karnataka; Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum; KLESociety’s College of Engineering and Technology, Belgaum; Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd; Rani Chennamma University, Belgaum; Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum etc. Further, the centre is recognized under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum for guidance of students pursuing M. Tech and PhD in the field of Hydrology and Water Resources. Apart from this, the centre is actively involved in giving internship to undergraduate students from engineering colleges and diploma students from polytechnic from Karnataka.