S.N. | Title | Sponsoring Agency | Partners | Duration | PI |
1 | Groundwater Fluctuations and Conductivity Monitoring in Punjab – New Evidence of Groundwater Dynamics in Punjab from High Frequency Groundwater Level and Salinity Measurements | BGS, UK | BGS, UK | 5 years | Gopal Krishan |
| Assessment of Impacts of Groundwater Salinity on Regional Groundwater Resources, Current and Future Situation in Mewat, Haryana – Possible Remedy and Resilience Building Measures | NHP | IIT Roorkee and | 4.5 years | Gopal Krishan |
| Ganges Aquifer Management in the Context of Monsoon Runoff Conservation for Sustainable River Ecosystem Services – A Pilot Study of Sot Catchment | NHP | GW Department, Uttar Pradesh | 4.5 years | Surjeet Singh |
| Integrated Management of Water Resources for Quantity and Quality in Upper Yamuna Basin upto Delhi | NHP | Irrigation & Water Resources Dept. Haryana, Groundwater Dept. UP, Yamuna Basin Organization, CWC, New Delhi | 6 years | Anupma Sharma |
| Enhancing Food and Water Security in Arid Region through Improved Understanding of Quantity, Quality and Management of Blue, Green and Grey Water | DST, Govt. of India | Lead: CAZRI Jodhpur, Partners: NIH, IISWC Dehradun, CSWRI Bikaner, CIAH Bikaner, NIAM Jaipur) | 5 years | Anupma Sharma |
| Expansion of the Indo-German Competence Centre for Riverbank Filtration – CCRBF | Federal Ministry of Research and Education, Germany | Germany-University of applied science | 3 years | Gopal Krishan |
| Partitioning Evapotranspiration into Evaporation and Transpiration fluxes using Stable Isotopes of Oxygen and Hydrogen | DST-SERB | IIT-Kanpur | 3 years | Gopal Krishan |
| Capacity Development Program on Site Suitability Mapping for Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) under Varying Climatic Conditions using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning based Hydrological Modelling Tools | Asia-Pacific Network (APN) | IIT Roorkee (lead) KU, Japan and | 10 months | Nitesh Patidar |