
Training/ Activities Organized


S.No Name of the Activity Date Place Organizer No. of Participants Report/ Photographs
1 संस्थान में दिनांक 14.9.2024 से 04.10.2024 तक हिंदी पखवाड़े का आयोजन किया गया एवं इस दौरान हिंदी की अनेक गतिविधियां आयोजित हुई तथा 04 अक्टूबर को आयोजित हिंदी दिवस उत्सव के अवसर पर प्रथम व द्वितीय चयनित मौलिक हिंदी तकनिकी पुस्तक लेखकों को तथा हिंदी प्रतियोगिताओं के विजेताओं को पुरस्कृत किया गया एवं गतिविधियों के निर्णायकों को स्मृति चिन्ह भेंट किये गये I 01-4.10.2024 राजसं., रूडकी डॉ. सोबन सिंह रावत, वैज्ञानिक-एफ एवं प्रभारी अधिकारी, हिंदी प्रकोष्ठ    
2 3-days Geo Innovation Challenge Program 02-05.10.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. L.N. Thakural, Scientist ‘E’    
3 Geo Innovation Challenge Program on the theme: ‘Intervention of Geospatial Technology for Water Resources’ sponsored by DST 03-05.10.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. L.N. Thakural, Scientist ‘E’    
4 स्वच्छता विशेष अभियान 4.0 के अंतर्गत सरकारी बॉयज हाईस्कूल, सतवारी में स्वच्छता जागरूकता अभियान और स्वच्छता अभियान का सफल आयोजन कम्पोस्ट पिट की मरम्मत, स्कूल रसोई में स्टील सिंक का निर्माण, स्कूल परिसर की सफाई एवं जल संरक्षण का प्रति जागरूकता फ़ैलाने के उद्देश्य से किया गया I इसमें 60 छात्रों, 15 शिक्षकों तथा क्षेत्रीय केंद्र के 15 पदाधिकारियों ने भाग लिया I कुल प्रतिभागी – 90 22.10.2024 NIH-WHRC, Jammu Dr. P.G. Jose, Sc. E & Head, NIH-WHRC, Jammu    
5 A Cleanliness Drive was conducted by NIH-NWRC, Jodhpur at Shaheed Bhagat Singh Park & surrounding areas (around 5000 sq ft.) located in Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur under the Special Campaign 4.0 for promoting cleanliness and environmental sustainability. By this campaign the general public was made aware to maintain hygine & cleanliness in public space. 10 participants were engaged in this drive. 23.10.2024 NIH-NWRC, Jodhpur Dr. Saurab Nema, Scientist C    
6 3-days training programme on Urban flood management and mitigation measures 23-25.10.2024 DRC, NIH, Kakinada Dr. R Venkata Ramana, Scientist ‘E’    
7 Organized Vigilance Awareness Week-2024. The activities began with Anti-corruption pledge administered by the Director, NIH followed by a number of awareness activities like Debate, Drawing & Essay writing competition. 31.10.2024 to 03.11.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Scientist ‘G’ & CVO    
8 Training Programme on “Advanced Instrumentation Techniques for Water Quality Monitoring” 02-06.9.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Prashant Kumar Sahoo, Sc. ‘D’ Dr. M.K. Sharma, Scientist ‘F’    
9 Training program on “Advanced Groundwater Modelling” 02-06.9.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Anupma Sharma, Scientist ‘G’ Dr. Surinaidu Lagudu, Sc. ‘D’    
10 Organization of various activities by the Institute under Annual Swachhata Hi Sewa (SHS) fortnight, 17.9.2024 to 01.10.2024 17.9.2024 to 01.10.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist ‘E’    
11 5-days Training Workshop on “Source Sustainability for Jal Jeevan Mission Schemes” organized by North Eastern Hydraulics & Allied Research Institute (NEHARI) in technical association of NIH, Roorkee 24-28.9.2024 NEHARI, Guwahati Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Sc. E Dr. S.K. Kumre, Sc. B    
12 5-days Training on “Matlab Software” 24-28.9.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. P.C. Nayak, Scientist ‘F’    
13 5-days EVI Hands-on-Training 25-29.9.2024 NIH-NWRC, Jodhpur Dr. Anupma Sharma, Sc. ‘G’    
14 5-days training program from on "Hydrological Modeling"   30.9.2024 to 04.10.2024 NERIWALM, Tezpur Dr. Swapnali Barman, Scientist ‘D’ Dr. W Rahul Singh, Scientist ‘C’ Dr. Siddarth Arora, Scientist ‘B’    
15 2-days Enablement Activity under ESRI India’ Customer Success Program under NHP 30.9.2024 to 01.10.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. S S Rawat, Sc. F Dr. D.S. Bisht, Sc. C    

5-days training course on “Conservation & Management of Inland Water Bodies”


NIH, Roorkee

Dr. Rajesh Singh,

Scientist ‘E’

Dr. Kalzang Chhoden, Scientist ‘C’

Dr. Vinay K. Tyagi,

Scientist ‘D’


5-days training workshop titled “Hydrological Design Aids Programme” for the officers of Water Resources Department/ Irrigation Department of States covered by the Regional Centre


NIH-HRRC, Belagavi

Dr. B. Venkatesh,

Scientist ‘G’

Dr. Abhilash R., Sc. B


5-days training course on “Hydrological modelling using Satellite-based and reanalysis data products”


NIH, Roorkee

Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc. G

Dr. Soumyaranjan Sahoo, Sc. B


“Hydroclimatic Indices and Extreme Analysis for Climate Change Assessment using Python & R”


12- 17.8.2024

NIH, Roorkee

Dr. Vishal Singh, Sc. D

Dr. Sunil Gurrapu,

Scientist D


5-day Hands- On Training of ICP-MS & GC-MS


NIH, Roorkee

Dr. M K Sharma, Scientist ‘F’


राजसं. - क्षेत्रीय केंद्र जम्मू के सभी वैज्ञानिकों व कर्मचारियों ने गवर्नमेंट गर्ल्स हायर सेकेंडरी स्कूल सतवारी कैंट, जम्मू में जल संरक्षण आदि पर शोध सम्बन्धी जागरुकता कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया, जिसमे विद्यालय के प्रधानाचार्य, अध्यापकों एवं 80 से अधिक स्टूडेंट्स ने भाग लिया I "Save Water, Save Earth, Save Life" विषय पर चित्रकला प्रतियोगिता व भाषण प्रतियोगिता आयोजित की गई जिसमे 40 स्टूडेंट्स ने भाग लिया I प्रतियोगियों को पुरस्कृत भी किया गया I इसी थीम पर जल गुणवत्ता से सम्बंधित महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी भी दी गई I


WHRC, Jammu

डॉ. पी जी जोस, वैज्ञानिक ई

डॉ. रियाज़ मीर, वैज्ञानिक सी


One day Training workshop on “Micro Plastic the Menace”


NIH, Roorkee

Dr. Vinay Kr. Tyagi,

Scientist ‘D’


On 22.08.2024 Swachhata activities were carried out in the office premises of RC-Kakinada, from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon. During the activity all scientists, staff, Junior Resource Persons and daily wage persons working in the office attended the event. Total 51 man hours has been utilised for the event.


NIH-DRC, Kakinada

Dr. S.V. Vijaya Kumar,

Scientist ‘G’

24 5-day training course on ‘Constructed Wetlands: Principles, Design, Operation and Maintenance’ under DST sponsored study “Innovative Centre for Eco-Prudent Wastewater Solution (IC-EcoWS) (SP/34/2019-24/RMOD)” 01-05.7.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Rajesh Singh, Scientist ‘E’
Dr. Vinay Kumar Tyagi, Scientist ‘D’
Dr. Kalzang Chhoden, Scientist ‘C’
- -
25 5-day training programme on “Tools and Techniques for Springshed Management” in association with National Institute of Hydrology (NIH), Roorkee & North East Hydraulic and Allied Research Institute (NEHARI), Brahmaputra Board 02-07.7.2024 NEHARI, Brahmaputra Board, Guwahati Dr. S.S. Rawat, Scientist ‘F’
Dr. D.S. Bisht, Scientist ‘C’
- -
26 10 जुलाई, 2024 को 'स्वच्छ भारत मिशन' के तहत स्कूली छात्रों के लिए सरकारी जूनियर हाई स्कूल, पनियाला, रुड़की, हरिद्वार, उत्तराखंड में एक जन-जागरूकता कार्यक्रम "स्वच्छता" आयोजित किया गया स्वच्छता के महत्व और इसकी आवश्यकता के बारे में छात्रों को शिक्षित एवं जागरूक करने के लिए, विशेष रूप से यह गतिविधि आयोजित की गई । इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य छात्रों को भारत के स्वच्छ भारत मिशन से परिचित कराना था, जो स्वस्थ और स्वच्छ समाज के निर्माण के लिए एवं स्वास्थ्य लाभ के लिए मानव जीवन में इसके महत्व को दर्शाता है। इस कार्यक्रम में बच्चों को चल-चित्र के माध्यम से जागरूक किया गया एवं स्वच्छता की शपथ दिलवाई गयी। 10.7.2024 Vill. Paniyala, Roorkee Dr. Gopal Krishan, Sc.E - -
27 5-days training course on “Python Essentials for Hydrology” 15-19.7.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Manish K. Nema, Scientist ‘E’
Dr. Nitesh Patidar, Sc.C
Dr. Sukant Jain, Sc. C
- -
28 One-Day awareness Workshop on “Sustainable Environment” 15.7.2024 Anand Swaroop Arya Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Mohammedpur, Roorkee Dr. Shakti Suryavanshi, Scientist ‘C’ - -
29 Mass awareness program on “Water Use Efficiency, Irrigation Planning, Water Conservation & Water Security” under Swachhata-Mera Yuva Bharat Campaign (Youth) was organized. Dr. R V Galkate, Dr. T Thomas, Dr. Rahul Kumar & Er. Shashi Indwar addressed the gathering. In order to preserve environment, conserve water and planet ecology, tree plantation was carried out by Scientists & farmers on the occasion. 19.7.2024 NIH-CIHRC, Bhopal in village Aamdo, Distt. Sehore, M.P. Dr. R.V. Galkate, Sc. F & Head, NIH-CIHRC, Bhopal 30 Farmers & Sarpanch participated. -
30 Training workshop on “Environmental Traces (Isotopes) in Water Resources Management” under BGS, UK project 24-26.7.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. S D Khobragade, Scientist ‘G’
Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist ‘E’
- -
31 उत्क्रमित मध्य विद्यालय, गोविन्दपुर, दानापुर, पटना में स्वच्छ भारत मिशन के अंतर्गत स्वच्छता पर एक दिवसीय जन जागरूकता गतिविधि का आयोजन किया गया। इसमें विद्यालय के छात्र छात्राओं, शिक्षकों क्षेत्रीय केंद्र के वैज्ञानिक एवं कर्मचारियों ने विद्यालय परिसर को स्वच्छ बनाने हेतु श्रमदान किया व इसके प्रति छात्रों व शिक्षकों को जागरूक किया I 31.7.2024 Danapur, Patna By NIH-CFMS, Patna Dr. Pankaj Mani, Scientist ‘G’
Dr. Subham Sourabh, Sc. C
Dr. Minot Shing Maza, Sc. C
Dr. Suryansh Mandloi, Sc. B
- -
32 Training on “Hydrological Modelling Using SWAT in the context of Climate Change” 03-08.6.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Manish. K. Nema, Scientist ‘E’
Dr. Vishal Singh, Scientist ‘D’
24 -
33 5-day training program on "Hydrological modeling using QSWAT" 10-14.6.2024 NIH-NERC, Guwahati Dr. Swapnali Barman, Scientist ‘D’
Dr. W.R. Singh, Scientist ‘C’
24 -
34 5-days Hanes on Training of ICPM ICP-MS & GC – MS for CWC Officers 17-21.6.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M. K. Sharma, Scientist ‘F’ - -
35 Training program on “Hydrological Modelling using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" 23-24.6.2024 NIH-NWRC, Jodhpur Dr. S. Nema, Scientist ‘C’ - -
36 Training course on “Cryospheric Modelling and Hazards”. Jointly organized by Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation & Management, IIT, Roorkee and Centre for Cryosphere & Climate Change Studies, NIH, Roorkee 06-11.5.2024 NIH Roorkee Dr. Surjeet Singh, Scientist G - -
37 Mass awareness activity on “Water Conservation Awareness & Education” at Sanskriti Public School, Bhouri-Bharapur 23.5.2024 Vill. Bhouri Bharapur, Roorkee Dr. Ruchir Patidar, Scientist ‘B’
Dr. S D Khobragade, Scientist ‘G’
- -
38 स्वयं सहायता समूह की महिलाओं के लिए “जल संरक्षण एवं जल सुरक्षा” विषय पर जन जागरूकता अभियान का आयोजन किया गया 24.5.2024 Vill. Bhouri Bharapur, Roorkee Er. Omkar Singh, Scientist ‘G’
Dr. S.M. Pingale, Scientist ‘D’
80 -
39 Workshop under Climate Action for a Resilient Asia (CARA) - Capacity Building to support Climate Resilient Hydrological Systems supported by Government of United Kingdom & organized by NIH 01.03.2024 Dehradun Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist ‘E’
Dr. Suhas Khobragade, Scientist ‘G’
- -
40 Training workshop on Riverbank Filtration and Constructed Wetlands- Source Sustainability, Distribution Network and Decentralized Wastewater Management, sponsored by Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany 03.03.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist ‘E’ 33 -
41 Programme on 3rd Roorkee Water Conclave 2024 (RWC-2024) jointly organized by IIT Roorkee and NIH, Roorkee 03-06.03.2024 IIT, Roorkee Dr. M K Sharma, Scientist ‘F’
Dr. Archana Sarkar, Scientist ‘F’
Dr. M K Nema, Scientist ‘E’
- -
42 Training course on “Tools & Techniques for Hydrological Investigations” 11-15.03.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. S M Pingale, Scientist ‘E’
Shri Ruchir Patidar, Scientist ‘B’
- -
43 5-Days training course on “Hydrological Modelling using HEC-HMS” 11-15.03.2024 CFMS, Patna Dr. Pankaj Mani, Scientist ‘G’ - -
44 5-Days trainng course on ‘Hydrological Modelling using HEC-HMS’ 11-15.03.2024 NERC, Guwahati Dr. Swapnali Barman, Scientist ‘G’
Mr. Siddharth Arora, Scientist ‘B’
- -
45 International Conference on Water (ICW 2024) on the eve of International Day of Action for River 14.03.2024 International Institute of Water, Jodhpur Dr. M K Goel, Director, NIH inaugurated as Guest of Honour - -
46 2nd meeting of Regional Coordination Committee (RCC) of NIH-NWRC, Jodhpur – Chaired by Director, NIH 15.03.2024 NWRC, Jodhpur Dr. Anupma Sharma, Scientist ‘G’ - -
47 Training Course on “Hydrological Modelling” 18-22.03.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Scientist ‘G’ - -
48 Pledge of Swachhta and Poshan bhi Padhai bhi Sapath was administered by the Director, NIH to all employees of NIH 18.03.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. L N Thakural, Scientist ‘D’ & Nodal Officer - -
49 Pond Cleaning by Officials of NIH, Roorkee and Gram Panchayat members of Village Mehawad Kala (Dist. Haridwar) under SBM/Swachhata Pakhwada of MoJS, GoI. Pledge of Swachhta and Poshan bhi Padhai bhi Sapath was administered by the Director, NIH to all employees of NIH 19.03.2024 Mehwad Kalan, Roorkee Dr. L N Thakural, Scientist ‘D’ & Nodal Officer - -
50 19th meeting of Regional Coordination Committee (RCC) of NIH-NERC, Guwahati, Chaired by Director, NIH 19.03.2024 NERC, Guwahati Dr. S.V. Vijaya Kumar, Scientist ‘G’ - -
51 23rd meeting of Regional Coordination Committee (RCC) of NIH-CFMS, Patna, Chaired by Director, NIH 21.03.2024 CFMS, Patna Dr. Pankaj Mani, Scientist ‘G’ - -
52 Awareness and Plogging event on the theme: Paryavaran Swachhta evam Sanrakshan involving Cadets at Gurukul Kangri Univ., Haridwar 21.03.2024 Gurukul Kangri Univ., Haridwar Dr. L.N. Thakural, Scientist ‘E’
Shri Omprakash, Scientist ‘B’etc.
- -
53 One-day workshop on “Capacity Building to support Climate Resilient Hydrological Systems in Himachal Pradesh”, sponsored by UK Government (British High Commission) 21.03.2024 Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist ‘E’
Shri Omprakash, Scientist ‘B’etc.
- -
54 Brain Storming Session for World Water Day 2024 jointly by NIH and IITR faculties 22.03.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A K Lohani, Scientist ‘G’
Dr. L.N. Thakural, Scientist ‘E’
Dr. D.S. Arya, Prof., IITR, etc.
- -
55 Mass Awareness Program for students and Plantation drive at SMJN college, Haridwar on the theme: Swachhta; a better solution for Clean & Green India 26.03.2024 SMJN College, Haridwar Dr. L.N. Thakural, Scientist ‘E’
Sh. Ruchir Patidar, Scientist ‘B’etc.
- -
56 One-day Workshop for Women with the theme: ‘नारी शक्ति स्वच्छता का प्रयास, हम सब मिलकर करेंगे राष्ट्र का विकास’ 28.03.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Anupma Sharma, Scientist ‘G’
Dr. L.N. Thakural, Scientist ‘E’
- -
57 A mass awareness activity at Govt. Junior High School, Khatakhedi 08-12.01.2024 Village Khatakhedi, Roorkee Dr. Gopal Krishan, Sc. E & Dr. L.N. Thakural, Sc. E 60 -
58 Training programme on “Cryosphere, Climate Change and Hazards” 19-22.2.2024 NIH-WHRC, Jammu Dr. P.G. Jose, Scientist ‘E’ & Head, WHRC, Jammu - -
59 5-day “Hands - On Training of ICP-MS and GC-MS for CWC Officers” 19-23.2.2024 NIH Roorkee Dr. Satendra Kumar, Scientist ‘B’ - -
60 A Mass Awareness Program conducted at Gram Panchayat Mohammadpur Buzurg, Block Laksar, District Haridwar on "Groundwater Conservation and its Importance" (भूजल संरक्षण एवं इसकी महत्ता). The program was conducted on 28th Feb., 2024. 28.2.2024 NIH Roorkee Dr. Satendra Kumar, Scientist ‘B’ - -
61 5-days Hands-On Training of ICP-MS and GC-MS for 17 Scientific Cadres Official of CWC 08-12.01.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Sharma, Scientist ‘F’ - -
62 5-days training program on “River Flow Modelling” for 20 participants from Educational/Research Institute and Govt. Department. 08-12.01.2024 NIH-CFMS, Patna Dr. Shubham Shaurabh, Sc. ‘C’
Dr. Pankaj Mani, Scientist ‘G’
- -
63 Training programme on “ArcGIS Enterprise” 15-16.1.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Scientist ‘G’ - -
64 6-days NHP sponsored training course on ‘Application of Water Resources Investigations and Management’ 16 participants from NHP division of Maharashtra, CGWB, IRI, GW department, UP and NIH. 15-20.1.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist ‘E’ - -
65 2-days workshop on Basics of Hydrology and Importance of Water Resources Management in the context of Sivaganga District, Tamil Nadu. Organized jointly by NIH and Geology Dept. Alumni Association, Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu 18-19.1.2024 Geology Dept., Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi Dr. A R Senthil Kumar, Scientist ‘G’
Dr. M.K. Nema, Scientist ‘E’
- -
66 One week training programme on “Tools and Techniques for Springshed Management” 22-27.1.2024 NIH, Roorkee Dr. S.S. Rawat, Scientist ‘F’ - -
67 Training Programme on “Basic Hydrology” organized by NIH-NERC, Guwahati for newly appointed Assistant Engineers in WRD Shillong. 04-08.12.2023 WRD Shilong Dr. S V Vijaykumar, Sc. G
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Sc. D
- -
68 Training programme on “System Modelling for the Proposed Mahanadi-Godavari Link” jointly organized by NIH & NWDA 04-08.12.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Goel, Sc. G - -
69 Orientation Training Course for newly appointed Scientists at NIH 07-13.12.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A K Lohani, Sc. G - -
70 5-days “Hands on Training of ICP-MS and GC-MS for CWC Officers” 11-15.12.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Sharma, Sc. F - -
71 2-days Brain Storming Session on “Vision of NIH – 2024 and Beyond” during 46th Foundation Day of NIH. 15-16.12.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. R P Pandey, Sc. G - -
72 Workshop on “Hydro-meteorological Data Analysis for Climate Change Studies”   20-24.11.2023 NIH, ROORKEE Dr. Ashwini Ranade, Scientist ‘D’
Dr. Sunil Gurrapu, Scientist ‘D’
- -
73 एक घंटा, एक दिवस- 1 hour, 1-day (10:00–11:00 AM) Activity under Swachhta-Hi-Sewa   01.10.2023 ROORKEE Dr. L N Thakural, Sc. E & Nodal Officer 150 -
74 Cleanliness in Office premises and Clearance of pending matters through Administration. 02.10.2023 NIH, ROORKEE -do- - -
75 Record Management: Review and Weeding out of old physical files 03-31.10.2023 NIH Sr. Admn. Officer - -
76 Disposing of Scrap from Centre 03-31.10.2023 NERC, NIH Guwahati RC Guwahati - -
77 Cleaning of Garden 03.10.2023 Tilakwadi, Belagavi RC Belagavi - -
78 Cleaning of Office 04.10.2023 NIH RC NWRC, Jodhpur - -
79 Open Space Cleaning in Office Complex 05.10.2023 NIH RC DRC, Kakinada - -
80 Cleanliness and awareness program at Government Boys High School, Jammu Cantt. 05.10.2023 Govt. Boys High School, Jammu Cantt. WHRC, Jammu 107 -
81 Outdoor Campaigns- Cleanliness drive and awareness program. 06.10.2023 Shahpura Lake (Water body), Bhopal CIHRC, Bhopal 15 -
82 Training on Space Technology for Flood related Disaster Management support. 09-14.10.2023 NIH, ROORKEE Dr. A K Lohani, Scientist ‘G’ - -
83 Cleanliness Campaign in the premises of NIH-WHRC, I&FC Complex, Jammu Cantt. 09-31.10.2023 I&FC Complex, Jammu Cantt. WHRC, Jammu - -
84 Cleaning of Shastri Circle Park 11.10.2023 Shastri Circle Park, Jodhpur NWRC, Jodhpur - -
85 Open Space Cleaning of Colony, RC Kakinada 12.10.2023 Staff Colony, Kakinada DRC, Kakinada - -
86 Awareness Campaign for School Students (Indoor) 16.10.2023 NIH RC CFMS, Patna - -
87 Mass Awareness Program 17.10.2023 Pan Bazar Higher Secondary School, Guwahati NERC, Guwahati 100 -
88 Cleaning of Water body and nalas 18.10.2023 Kanabargi/ Sambra RC, Belagavi - -
89 Cleaning of School Campus 18.10.2023 Shastri Nagar NWRC, Jodhpur - -
90 Mobilization and cleanliness drive for students 19.10.2023 Haridwar Dr. L.N. Thakural, Nodal Officer - -
91 Outdoor Campaigns – Cleaniness drive and awareness program 20.10.2023 Bhopal Lake (Bhadbada side), Bhopal CIHRC, Bhopal - --
92 Stakeholder Sensitization Workshop on “Status of Traditional Water Resources (Springs) of Ravi River Catchment” organized by NIH under NHP 20.10.2023 Chamba Dr. S.S. Rawat, Scientist ‘F’ - -
93 Vehicle Scrap and File Management (Indoor) 23.10.2023 NIH RC CFMS, Patna - -
94 Cleaning of Public Temple 25.10.2023 Shastri Nagar NWRC, Jodhpur 10 -
95 Cleaning of campus of Old Age Home 25.10.2023 Benakanahalli, Belagavi RC, Belagavi 50 -
96 Mobilization, cleanliness drive and runathon at academic institute for students. 27.10.2023 Haridwar Dr. L.N. Thakural, Nodal Officer 150 -
97 Canal Ghat cleaning (Outdoor) 30.10.2023 Canal Ghat, near Khagaul CFMS, Patna 15 -
98 Various Awareness Activities under Vigilance Awareness Week (VAW-2023) 30.10.2023 – 05.11.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A K Lohani, Scientist ‘G’ & CVO - -
99 One-day Brain Storming Session on ‘Hydrological Problem in Coastal and Deltaic regions with a special emphasis on Climate Change’ 31.10.2023 DRC, Kakinada Dr. Y R S Rao, Scientist ‘G’ - -
100 Hon’ble Union Minister of Jal Shakti Shri Gajendra Singh Sekhawat Ji inaugurated the newly established NIH - North Western Regional Centre (NWRC) at Jodhpur. 13.6.2023 Jodhpur Dr. Anupma Sharma, Sc. G - -
101 3-days training session on “TUFLOW Hydraulic Modeling: Flood Inundation modeling (1D, 2D & 3D) including Coastal and Urban Floods, Sediment Transport, and Water Quality”. 26-28.6.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. R.V. Kale, Scientist ‘E’ - -
102 Five-days Training on ‘Use of Geospatial Technology in Flood Management and Erosion Control’ 08-12.5.2023 NEHARI, Brahmaputra Board, Guwahati Dr. A K Lohani, Sc. G - -
103 One-day Brainstorming Workshop on ‘Development of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Springshed Management’ 15.5.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. S.S. Rawat, Scientist ‘F’ - -
104 Five-days Training Course on “Hydrological Modelling”. 15-19.5.2023 NERIWALM, Tezpur Dr. Pankaj Mani, Sc. G, NIH-CFMS, Patna - -
105 Five-days NHP Sponsored online Training Course on “Hydrological Modeling Using SWAT+”. 22-26.5.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Nema, Sc. E
Dr. Vishal Singh, Sc. D
- -
106 3-days training workshop on ‘Basic Hydrology-Measurement and Use of Hydrological Data’ under NHP – Inaugurated by Dr. Sudhir Kumar, Director, NIH 11-13.4.2023 WRD, Panaji, Goa Dr. B. Venkatesh, Sc. G - -
107 2nd Training of Trainers (TOT) on 'Usage and Applications of DSS(PM)' under NHP 17 – 28.4.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Anupma Sharma, Scientist ‘G’ - -
108 Training Workshop on ‘Reservoir Bathymetry and Water Accounting in Irrigated Systems using Google Earth Engine’ 24.4.2023 to 03.5.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A K Lohani, Sc. ‘G’ - -
109 Brainstorming Session on ‘Management of Glaciers’ in hybrid mode. 28.4.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sanjay Kumar Jain, Sc. G - -
110 2-Days workshop on "WEB.BM Model Application for Optimization Analysis Reservoir Systems" under NHP. 13-14.3.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Goel, Sc. ' G' - -
111 5-Days training program on "Life Cycle Approach for Rejuvenation of Ponds and Lakes using Nature-Based Solutions" under NWM. 13-17.3.2023 NIH-CIHRC, Bhopal Dr. T. Thomas, Sc. 'F' - -
112 5-Days training program on "Life Cycle Approach for Rejuvenation of Ponds and Lakes using Nature-Based Solutions" under NWM . 13-17.3.2023 NIH-DRC, Kakinada Y.R.S. Rao, Sc. 'G - -
113 5-Days training program on "Life Cycle Approach for Rejuvenation of Ponds and Lakes using Nature-Based Solutions" under NWM. 13-17.3.2023 NIH-HRRC, Belgaum Dr. B. Venkatesh, Sc. ' G' - -
114 Awareness activities (8 Nos.) organized under Swachhta Pakhwada-2023. 16-31 .3.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. L.N . Thakural, Sc. ' 0 ' - -
115 I-Day training Course on "Beginners Course for Analyzing Hydro-meteorological Data in 'R' Programming Language. 17.03 .2023 NIH-WHRC, Jammu Dr. P.G. Jose, Sc. ' E' - -
116 5-Days training Course on "Flood Prone Area Mapping and Modelling" under NHP. 20 -24.3.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Vishal Singh, Sc. ' D' - -
117 5-Days training Course on "Water and Waste Water Treatment" under NHP. 20 -24.3.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Vinay Kumar Tyagi, Sc. ' D' - -
118 1-दिन “प्रयोजनमूलक हिंदी” विषय पर एक दिवसीय हिन्दी कार्यशाला आ आयोजन 20 -24.3.2023 NIH, Roorkee डॉ. मनोहर अरोरा वै. एफ एंव राजभाषा प्रभारी - -
119 Training Course on ‘Flood Control and Erosion’ under NHP jointly organized by NIH and NEHARI, Brahmaputra Board 06-10.02.2023 NEHARI, BB, Guwahati Dr. A K Lohani, Scientist G - -
120 Outreach activity on “Water Conservation & Water Security” in Govt. School, Banhera Tanda, Tah. Roorkee (Distt. Haridwar) 07.2.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A R Senthil kumar, Scientist ‘G’ & Er. Digamber Singh, Sc. D 100 -
121 Outreach activity on “Water Conservation & Water Security” in Govt. School, Noorpur Palbasti, Tah. Roorkee (Distt. Haridwar) 09.2.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A R Senthil kumar, Scientist ‘G’ & Er. Digamber Singh, Sc. D Students – 50 + Gramsabha Personnel - 10 -
122 Training Course on ‘Water Quality Monitoring and Management’ 13 – 17.2.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Rajesh Singh, Sc. ‘D’ - -
123 Outreach activity on “Water Conservation & Water Security” in Govt. Inter College, Daulatpur, Tah. Roorkee (Distt. Haridwar)’ 14.2.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A R Senthil kumar, Scientist ‘G’ and Er. Digamber Singh, Scientist ‘D’ 80 -
124 Drawing Competition for students of Govt. Kannada Higher Primary School at Hanuman Nagar, Belagavi on “Water Conservation” under Azadi ka Amrut Mahotasava (2nd phase) 15.2.2023 HRRC, Belagavi Dr. B. Venkatesh, Scientist ‘G’ 28 -
125 Essay Writing Competition for students of State Govt. Mahila Vidyalaya (English Medium School), Belagavi on “Water Conservation” under Azadi ka Amrut Mahotasava (2nd phase) 22.2.2023 HRRC, Belagavi Dr. B. Venkatesh, Scientist ‘G’ 35 -
126 Training Course on “Hydro-meteorological and Climate Data Analysis: Basic and Advanced techniques (HyMCBAT-2023)” 27.2.2023 to 03.3.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Archana Sarkar, Scientist ‘F’ 35 -
127 High-End Workshop on ‘Challenges in Water-related Disasters Risk Reduction: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience Techniques organized by NIH, sponsored by Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Dept. of Science & Technology, GoI under Accelerate Vigyan Scheme 14.1.2023 to 22.1.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. R.V. Kale, Scientist ‘D’ - -
128 5-Days Training Course on ‘Hands on Advanced Instrumentations in Water Quality Analysis’ under NHP for IRI officials. 16.1.2023 to 20.1.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Sharma, Scientist ‘F’ - -
129 ‘Drawing Competition’ and ‘Essay Writing Competition’ for school students of 12 Govt. Schools under Azadi ka Amrut Mahotasava (2nd phase) 25.1.2023 DRC Kakinada Dr. Y R S Rao, Sc. G - -
130 Five Days Training Course on ‘Environmental Data Processing’ 30.1.2023 to 03.2.2023 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Scientist ‘D’ - -
131 Training course on “Hydrological Modeling Using SWAT” 05.12.2022 to 09.12.2022 NIH-NERC, Guwahati Dr. Swapnali Barman, Sc. C & Mr. Waikhom Rahul Singh, Sc. B - -
132 1-week training course on “Climate Change and Hydrological Impact Assessment” 12.12.2022 to 17.12.2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sunil Gurrapu, Sc. C - -
133 Training programme on Springshed Management jointly organized by NIH & NERIWALM 13.12.2022 to 15.12.2022 Kohima Nagaland Dr. S.S. Rawat, Scientist ‘E’ - -
134 Celebrations of 45th Foundation of Day NIH - and A Brain Storming Session on “R & D in Hydrology: Vision 2047” 13.12.2022 to 15.12.2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Scientist ‘G’, Dr. Manohar Arora, Sc. F - -
135 A Modeller’s Meet under NHP 19.12.2022 to 20.12.2022 New Delhi Dr. P.K. Singh, Scientist ‘D’ - -
136 A training course on "Scientific Data Collection and Processing Techniques for Springshed Management and Rejuvenation" under NHP. 19.12.2022 to 20.12.2022 IRI, Roorkee Dr. S.M. Pingale, Scientist ‘C’ - -
137 Various activities under Vigilance Awareness Week 2022 31.10.2022 to 06.11.2022 NIH Roorkee Dr. A K Lohani, Sc. G & CVO - -
138 Training course on “Hydrologic Hydrodynamic Flow Analysis Using HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS” organized for SJVN Limited officers 07.11.2022 to 11.11.2022 NIH Roorkee Dr. Vishal Singh, Sc. C - -
139 रूडकी स्‍थित नराकास सदस्‍य कार्यालयों के पदाधिकारियों हेतु एक दिवसीय हिन्‍दी / यूनिकोड कार्यशाला 17.11.2022 राजसं, रूडकी डा. मनोहर अरोडा, वै.एफ एवं श्री पी.के. उनियाल, वरि. अनुवाद अधिकारी - -
140 Workshop on “Springshed Management” jointly organized by NIH with NERIWALM, Tezpur 18 – 19.11.2022 NERIWALM, Tezpur Dr. Soban Singh Rawat, Sc. E - -
141 Training on ‘Water Allocation Modelling using WEAP’ and SPHY Model organized jointly with SDC 21.11.2022 to 24.11.2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Manohar Arora, Sc.F - -
142 Training cum workshop on ‘Advanced Tools and Techniques on Managed Aquifer Recharge (ATR-MAR)’ under the joint project of IIT Roorkee and NIH Roorkee and Workshop on ‘Resilience to Climate Change and Sustainable Water Supply (RESCUE)’ 21.11.2022 to 25.11.2022 NIH, Roorkee Mr. Nitesh Patidar, Scientist B
Mr. Nitesh Patidar, Scientist B
- -
143 Two week ‘Training of Trainers (ToT) on DSS (PM) under NHP for scientists / officers of NIH, CWC, CGWB and Maharashtra Water Resources Department. 21.11.2022 to 02.12.2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Anupma Sharma, Scientist ‘G’ & Coordinator, DSS(PM) - -
144 Training course on ‘WA+for the officials from Nagaland State under National Hydrology Project (NHP) in collaboration with WRD Dept., Govt. of Nagaland 28.11.2022 to 02.12.2022 Kohima, Nagaland Dr. P.K. Mishra, Sc. D and Dr. P K Singh, Sc. D - -
145 Online training course on Introduction to Python Programming including basic Python programming and tutorials. 03-07 Oct. 2022 NIH Roorkee Ms. Nidhi Kalyani, Scientist ‘B’ &Mr. Nitesh Patidar, Scientist ‘B’ - -
146 “Tools and Techniques for Springshed Management” under NMHS sponsored project to be organized at Govt. Degree College, Udhampur, Jammu & Kashmir 03 Sept. 2022 WHRC, Jammu Dr. P.G. Jose, Sc. E - -
147 Training workshop on “Springshed Management” to be organized at NEHARI, Guwahati under Brahmaputra Board in association with NIH & CGWB 06-08 Sept. 2022 NEHARI Guwahati DDr. S.S. Rawat, Sc. E - -
148 Webinar on “Brief presentation on TUFLOW Hydraulic modeling software” in online mode 12 Sept. 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. R.V. Kale, Sc. D
Speakers: Mr. Rishi, DS Consultant, TUFLOW India Ltd. and Mr. Chris Hulxley, Principal Engineer for BMT & Adjunct Lecturer at Central Queensland Univ., Australia
- -
149 Inception Workshop and field visit under NHP special studies titled “Comprehensive Assessment of Water Availability, Use and Issues for Goa State” 23 Sept. 2022 HRRC, Belgavi Dr. B. Venkatesh, Sc. G - -
150 Training course on “HEC-RAS 2D model and its application in India” 26-29 Sept., 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc. G - -
151 Workshop for sensitizing Women in the community on techniques of ‘Water Conservation & Management and Rainwater Harvesting’ under the celebration of 5 th Rashtriya Poshan Maah-2022 under Ministry of Women and Child Development 30 Sept., 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. L. N. Thakural, Sc. D 130 -
152 Training course on “National Hydrology Model” under NHP. 01-05 August, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc. G - -
153 IEC Activity on “Water Conservation and Water Security” for Students of Methodist Girls PG College, Roorkee was organized under celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years. 03 August, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. R.P. Pandey, Sc. G 100 -
154 IEC Activity on “Importance of Water Conservation & Management” for Students of New Light Junior High School, Subhash Garh, Jawalapur, Haridwar was organized under celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years. 08 August, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc. G 115 -
155 IEC Activity on “Water Conservation and Water Security” for Students of Chaman Lal Mahavidyalaya, Landhora was organized under celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years. 12 August, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. V.C. Goyal, Sc. G 100 -
156 Training course on “Soil Testing (Analysis)” at Chaman Lal Mahavidyalaya, Landhora. 17 August, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Gopal Krishan, Sc. D - -
157 Online training course on “Hydrological Modeling Using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)” under NHP. 22-26 August, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Manish Kumar Nema, Sc. D - -
158 Training workshop on “Application of DSS (PM) for Upper Krishna Basin” under NHP. 26 August, 2022 Pune Dr. Anupma Sharma, Sc. F - -
159 Mass awareness program organized in GP-Khanpur Block, Dist. Haridwar under celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 on “Water Conservation and Water Security” 15 July, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Manohar Arora, Sc. F 70 -
160 IEC Activity on “Water Conservation and Water Security” for Students of Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Shastri Nagar, Jammu was organized under celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years. 22 July, 2022 WHRC, Jammu Dr. P.G. Josh, Sc. E 30 -
161 Mass awareness program for students of Takshshila Higher Secondary School, Tahshil Khurai, Dist. Sagar was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 Years on “Water Conservation and Water Security” 29 July, 2022 CIHRC, Bhopal Dr. R.K. Jaiswal, Sc. E 70 -
162 Mass awareness program for students of National Kanya Inter College, Khanpur, Dist. Haridwar was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 Years on “Water Conservation and Water Security” 29 July, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. V.C. Goyal, Sc. G 60 -
163 Online training course on “Approaches for Management of Groundwater Quantity and Quality with Special Focus on MAR”. 6-10 June, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Organized jointly by WRD&M, IIT, Roorkee, NIH, Roorkee, PNU, Japan and KU, Korea, -
164 IEC Activity on “Water Conservation and Water Security” for Jalvihar-NIH Colony and nearby Gram Panchayat Members under celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years at NIH-Jalvihar Colony, Roorkee. 15 June, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. R.P. Pandey, Sc. G 100 -
165 अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस-2022 21 June, 2022 NIH, Roorkee डॉ. मनोहर अरोड़ा, वै. एफ -
166 IEC Activity on “Water Conservation and Water Security” for Anganwadi staff & Rural Women in village Puranpur, block Bahadrabad, Dist. Haridwar under celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years. 22 June, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. V.C. Goyal, Sc. G 60 -
167 Mass awareness program organized for villagers, Sarpanch, members of gram sabha & NWDA, Bhopal officers under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water and Environmental Issues” at the Premises of Indian Institute of Pulse Research, IIPR (village-Funda, block-Huzur, Dist. Bhopal) 22 June, 2022 CIHRC, Bhopal Dr. R.V. Galkate, Sc. F 40 -
168 Mass awareness program for students and other staff was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and use of GIS”. 4 April, 2022 HRRC, Belgaum Dr. B. Venkatesh, Sc. G 15 -
169 Training course on “Hydrodynamic Modeling using HEC-RAS” under NHP. 7-8 April, 2022 Ahmedabad Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc. G - -
170 Mass awareness program in Aastha Green City (residential complex), Phulwarisharif, Patna was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water and Environmental ssues”. 15 April, 2022 CFMS, Patna Organized jointly by CFMS, Patna and NWDA, Patna 30 -
171 Training course on “Water Resources Planning and Management” for the officer (Batch ‘B’) of META Nasik, Maharashtra under Technical Service. 15-25 April, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Mrs. Deepa Chalisgaonkar, Sc. G - -
172 Mass awareness program for students of Anand Swaroop Arya Saraswati Vidiya Mandir, Roorkee was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 21 April, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. R.P. Pandey, Sc. G 100 -
173 Mass awareness program for students of Devi Public School, Dhadhera, Roorkee was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 22 April, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sanjay K. Jain, Sc. G 60 -
174 Mass awareness program organized in village Majhera of Naheryai Panchayat Shamshabad, Bhopal under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and efficient Irrigation Techniques”. 28 April, 2022 CIHRC, Bhopal Dr. R.K. Jaiswal, Sc. E 30 -
175 अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस-2022 के कार्यक्रमों के अन्तर्गत योग पर एक व्याख्यान आयोजन. 28 April, 2022 NIH, Roorkee डॉ. मनोहर अरोड़ा, वैज्ञानिक ई 30 -
176 International Conference - 2nd “Roorkee Water Conclave” RWC-2022 on the theme “Hydrological Aspects of Climate Change” 2-4 March, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Organized jointly by IIT, Roorkee and NIH, Roorkee - -
177 Online Mass awareness program for students of UG/PG of ACE, Guwahati was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Issues” 4 March, 2022 NERC, Guwahati Dr. S.K. Sharma, Sc. D 20 -
178 Training course on “Groundwater Modeling using MODFLOW” organized by NIH, Roorkee 5-8 March, 2022 JAIPUR (Rajasthan) Dr. Sumant Kumar, Sc. D - -
179 Educational tour/Laboratories visit of B. Tech 2 nd year and 4th year students of NSUT West Campus in NIH. 14 March, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Sh. Digambar Singh, Sc. C - -
180 Mass awareness program and Quize competition on Swachh Jal & Paryavaran at Village Hakeempur Turra was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years. 14 March, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc. G 115 -
181 Mass awareness program for students of Government Girls Inter College, Ram Nagar, Roorkee was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security” 15 March, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Goel, Sc. D 100 -
182 Awareness activities (15 Nos.) organized under Swachhta Pakhwada-2022. 16-31 March, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. L.N. Thakural, Sc. D and Nodal officer - -
183 Activities organized under Swachhta Pakhwada-2022
  • Opening of Swachhta Pakhwada and Pledge taking on 16 March, 2022
  • Cleanliness drive at WHRC, Jammu premise and area adjoining on 16-31 March, 2022
  • Tawa ghat cleaning and awareness program regarding Swachhta and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on 26 March, 2022
  • Tree Plantation in WHRC observatory on 28 March, 2022
16-31 March, 2022 WHRC, Jammu Dr. P.G. Jose, Sc. E - -
184 Activities under Swachhta Pakhwada at other RCs of NIH.
  • Opening of Swachhta Pakhwada and Pledge taking on 16 March, 2021
  • Various other relevant awareness programs were also conducted.
16-31 March, 2022 NIH, Regional Centers RC, Belgaum, Kakinada, Patna, Bhopal, & Guwahati - -
185 Online E-training course entitled “Hydro Meteorological and Climate data analysis Basic and Advanced Techniques (HYMCBAT 2022)” 21-25 March, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Archana Sarkar, Sc. E - -
186 Training course on “Groundwater Modeling and Management” under PDS (NHP). 21-25 March, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr Surjeet Singh,Sc. F - -
187 Poshan Pakhwada- 2022
  • Sensitize village/panchayat on water conservation and management on 28 March, 2022.
  • Workshop for woman on Water conservation and Rainwater Harvesting on 29 March, 2022
21 March-4 April, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. L.N. Thakural, Sc. D - -
188 Celebration of World Water Day-2022. 22 March, 2022 NIH, Roorkee Organized jointly by NIH, Roorkee and IIT, Roorkee - -
189 Celebration of World Water Day-2022. 22 March, 2022 NERC, Guwahatie Organized jointly by NERIWALM, and NIH-NERC, Guwahati - -
190 Celebration of World Water Day-2022. 22 March, 2022 WHRC, Jammu Organized jointly by KV (CU, Jammu) and NIH- WHRC, Jammu - -
191 "प्रयोजनमूलक हिन्दी" विषय पर एक दिवसीय हिन्दी कार्यशाला का आयोजन। 28 March, 2022 NIH, Roorkee डॉ. मनोहर अरोड़ा, वै. ई एवं राजभाषा प्रभारी - -
192 Online IEC Activity on “Climate Change Problems & Solutions, Painting & Essay Writing Competition” for Students of 3 different schools of Jammu was organized under celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years. 31 Jan. to 4 Feb., 2022 WHRC, Jammu Dr. P.G. Jose, Sc. E 70 -
193 Online training course on “Flood and Drought Risk Mitigation” under Climate Change. 02-04 Feb., 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. R.P. Pandey, Sc. G - -
194 Mass awareness program organized in Jalvihar-NIH Colony, Roorkee under celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 03 Feb., 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. R.P. Pandey, Sc. G 50 -
195 Online IEC Activity on “Water Conservation and use of GIS” for students of KLE college of Engineering and Technology, Belagavi was organized under celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years. 14 Feb., 2022 HRRC, Belgaum Dr. B. Venkatesh, Sc. G 30 -
196 Online mass awareness program for students of GIC, Roorkee was organized under celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Awareness Education”. 17 Feb., 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sudhir Kumar, Sc. G 35 -
197 IEC Activity on Water Conservation & Enviromental Aspects for students of Jain Inter College, Sherpur was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years. 23 Feb., 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. S.K. Jain, Sc. G 90 -
198 Online training program on “Flood Management and Erosion Control”. 27-28 Feb., 2022 NERIWALM,Tezpur NERIWALM, & NIH-CFMS, Patna - -
199 Training course on “Tools and Techniques for Springshed Management” under NMHS. 06-07 Jan., 2022 WHRC, Jammu Dr. D.S. Bisht, Sc. B - -
200 Mass awareness Compaign on “Water Conservation and Water Security” (online) for the students of J.N.K Vishwavidalaya, Jammu organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years. 7 Jan., 2022 CIHRC, Bhopal Dr. R.V. Galkate, Sc. E 30 -
201 Mass awareness program for students of CoER College, Roorkee (online) was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 14 Jan., 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc. G 95 -
202 Mass awareness program for students of KV-1, Roorkee (online) was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 24 Jan., 2022 NIH, Roorkee Dr. V.C. Goyal, Sc. G 95 -
203 Speech Competition on the topic “Water Conservation and Water Security” for the students of D.A.V. Public School, Phulwari Sharif, Patna organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years. 06 Dec., 2021 CFMS, Patna Dr. B. Chakravorty, Sc. G 30 -
204 Online training program on “Climate Change and Hydrological Impact Assessment”. 06-10 Dec., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sunil Gurrapu, Sc. C - -
205 Online training course on “Water Quality Assessment and Management” under NHP. 06-10 Dec., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Sharma,Sc. E and Dr. Anjali,Sc. B - -
206 Training program on “Enhancing Capability to address Climate Change in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWR) in Uttrakhand State”. 07 Dec., 2021 NIH, Roorkee (NIH), (INC-IHP), (UNESCO) - -
207 Training program on “Hydrology Modeling of Water Resources Management” under NHP. 08-11 Dec., 2021 RC, Bhopal Dr. Ravi Galkate, Sc. E - -
208 Mass awareness program for students of MSN Charities High School, Kakinada organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 13 Dec., 2021 DRC, Kakinada Dr. Y.R.S. Rao, Sc. G 50 -
209 Online training workshop on “Life Cycle Approach for Rejuvenation of Ponds and Lakes using Nature-Based Solution” under National Water Mission. 13-17 Dec., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. B. Venkatesh, Sc. G - -
210 Online training course on “Scientific Data Collection and Processing Technologies for Springshed Management and Rejuvenation. 13-17 Dec., 2021 NIH, Roorkee NEHARI, Brahmaputra Board - -
211 Celebrated 43rd Foundation day of NIH. Professor Devi Prasad Tripathi, Uttrakhand Sanskrit University was the Chief Guest of the function. 16 Dec., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Anupma Sharma, Sc. F and Dr. Manohar Arora, Sc. E - -
212 Mass awareness program for students of Atal Utkrisht Government Girls Inter College, Bhauri organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 20 Dec., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Goel, Sc. G 70 -
213 Mass awareness program organized in FM station, Broadcast by KLE Society, Belagavi under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 23 Dec., 2021 HRRC, Belgaum Dr. B. Venkatesh, Sc. G 30 -
214 "प्रयोजनमूलक हिन्दी" विषय पर एक दिवसीय हिन्दी कार्यशाला का आयोजन। 27 Dec., 2021 NIH, Roorkee डॉ. मनोहर अरोड़ा, वै. ई एवं राजभाषा प्रभारी - -
215 Mass awareness program organized in Gram Sabha, Dhanderi Roorkee under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 30 Dec., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Shudhir Kumar, Sc. G 35 -
216 Mass awareness program organized in Gram Panchayat Chatha Farm, Jammu under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 11 Nov., 2021 WHRC, Jammu Dr. P.G Jose, Sc. E 50 -
217 Mass awareness program organized in Sendarwara Village District Hoshangabad, MP under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 12 Nov., 2021 CHIRC, Bhopal Dr. R.V. Galkate, Sc. E 50 -
218 Training course on “Water Accounting Plus (WA+) for all North-East IAs” under NHP. 15-19 Nov., 2021 Shillong, Meghalaya Dr. P.K. Singh, Sc. D and Dr. P.K. Mishra, Sc. C - -
219 Mass awareness program for students of Government Hr. Sec. School, Bharapur Bhanuri organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 17 Nov., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. S.K. Jain, Sc. G 150 -
220 Mass awareness program for students of Govt. Primary School, Belda-2 organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 18 Nov., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc. G 100 -
221 Debate for students of Scholar’s Academy, Roorkee organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 22 Nov., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. S.K. Jain, Sc. G 70 -
222 Online training course on “Hydrological Modeling using SWAT” under NHP. 22-26 Nov., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M. K. Nema, Sc. D and Dr. Vishal Singh, Sc. C 70 -
223 Mass awareness program organized in Nosha Panchayat, Nawada village, Phulwari Sharif, Patna under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water and Environmental Issues”. 2 Oct., 2021 CFMS, Patna Dr. B. Chakravorty, Sc. G 30 -
224 Training course for “Water Resources Engineers” of (META) Nasik, Maharashtra under Technical Services. 4-15 Oct., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Deepa Chalisgaonkar, Sc. G - -
225 Online training course on “ECO-Hydrology for Sustainable Development”. 6-8 Oct., 2021 HRRC, Belgaum Dr. B. Venkatesh, Sc. G - -
226 Mass awareness program for students of Saraswati Government Hr. Sec. School, Jhabrera organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 7 Oct., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Goel, Sc. G 120 -
227 Activities under Swachhta Hi-Sewa Campaign-2021
  • Plantation and Green Drive at NIH Campus on 18 October, 2021.
  • Drawing competition and awareness program for school children at UPS Fathepur Bhadon, Chutmalpur on 26 October, 2021.
  • Awareness program for Girl students on “Mass campaign for Swachhta and Water Conservation” and plantation at SSDPG Girl college, Roorkee on 29 October, 2021.
18 Oct., 2021 to 29 Oct., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. L.N. Thakural, Sc. D & Nodal Officer, SBM - -
228 Online Workshop on “Climate Change Impact and Adaptation in Water Sector in India”. 25 Oct., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sanjay Kumar Jain, Sc. G - -
229 Vigilance Awareness Week – 2021 Independent India @ 75: Self Reliance with Integrity. 26 Oct., to 1 Nov., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Goel, Sc. G & CVO - -
230 Mass awareness program for Students of Government Hr. Primary School, Visvesvaraya Nagar, Belgaum organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mohotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation”. 28 Oct., 2021 HRRC, Belgaum Dr. B. Venkatesh, Sc. G 50 -
231 Mass awareness program for students of Government Hr. Sec. School Beldi, Roorkee organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation Awareness & Education”. 29 Oct., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sudhir Kumar, Sc. G 50 -
232 Mass awareness program in the village Beldi Shalhapur, district Haridwar was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 Years on “Water Conservation & Water Security”. 02 Sept., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sudhir Kumar, Sc. G - -
233 Mass awareness program for students of Arya Kanya Inter College, Roorkee was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 08 Sept., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sanjay K. Jain, Sc G - -
234 Activities under Swachhta Hi-Sewa Campaign-2021:
  • Cleanliness Campaign on 23 September, 2021.
  • Tree Plantation Campaign.
  • Awareness program on “Plastic free Campaign” Cleanliness proper segregation of waste and shramdaan on 24 September, 2021.
15 Sept., to 02 Oct., 2021 RC, Bhopal Dr. Shashi P. Indwar, Sc. C - -
235 Activities under Swachhta Hi-Sewa Campaign-2021
  • Plantation and Green drive at OSHO NIRVANA near 2nd Petrol Pump (Bharat Petroleum) opposite Neelkanth Hotel, Bhagwanpur - Haridwar road, (Imli road) on 21st September, 2021.
  • Awareness program for student on ‘Swachhta and Water Conservation’ at Vasudeva Lal Methil Saraswati Vidhiya Mandir, Roorkee on 23 September, 2021.
  • Motivational program for School Children conducting Cleanliness activities and Plantation, on ‘Swachhta and Water Conservation’ at Sheffield School, Bhagwanpur on 27 Septempber, 2021.
  • Drawing competition for children on ‘Swachhta aur Parayavaran’ at Vatsalaya Vatika, Bhadrabad on 29 September, 2021.
  • Awareness program for engineering students under Swachhta and Water Conservation on “Har Ghar Swachh Jal” at College of Engineering, Roorkee on 30 September, 2021.
  • Quiz program for students and Plantation on “Water Sanitation and Hygiene” at Greenway Modern School, Roorkee on 1st October, 2021.
16 Sept., to 02 Oct., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. L.N. Thakural, Sc. D and Nodal Officer, Swachh Bharat Mission, NIH - -
236 Activities under Swachhta Hi-Sewa Campaign-2021
  • Plantation drive by all the scientists around CFMS Office on 20 September, 2021.
  • Cleanliness drive in and around Deeper Beel (Lake) on 22 September, 2021.
  • Mass awareness programme in association with ARANYAK under “Bharat ka Mahotsava” on “Importance of Conservation of Water” on 24 September, 2021.
16 Sept., to 02 Oct., 2021 CFMS, Guwahati Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Sc. C - -
237 Activities under Swachhta Hi-Sewa Campaign-2021
  • Dispose of unused file/papers/registers etc., on 15 September, 2021.
  • Extensive drive for cleanliness (Removing bushes and small trees in office complex) on 1st October, 2021.
16 Sept., to 02 Oct., 2021 DRC, Kakinada Dr. Y.R.S. Rao, Sc. G - -
238 Mass awareness program for students of Vasudev Lal Maithil Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Roorkee was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 22 Sept., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. R.P. Pandey, Sc. G 100 -
239 Mass awareness program for students of Greenway Public School, Roorkee was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 23 Sept., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sanjay K. Jain, Sc G 70 -
240 "प्रयोजनमूलक हिन्दी" विषय पर एक दिवसीय हिन्दी कार्यशाला का आयोजन । 29 Sept., 2021 NIH, Roorkee डॉ. मनोहर अरोड़ा, वै. ई एवं राजभाषा प्रभारी - -
241 Training Program on “Springshed Management and Rejuvenation through Scientific data Collection and Processing Techniques” Conducted by Division Forest Office, Narendranagar, Uttrakhand at Rishikesh. 24-25 August, 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. S.S. Rawat, Sc. E - -
242 Mass awareness program for local public & students (online) was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 23 August, 2021 DRC, Kakinada Dr. Y.R.S. Rao, Sc. G 25 -
243 Online training course on “Hydrodynamic Modeling using HEC-RAS” under NHP. 23-27 August, 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani,Sc. G and Dr. R.K. Jaiswal, Sc. D - -
244 Mass awareness program for local public was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water and Environmental Issues”. 19 August, 2021 CFMS, Patna Dr. B. Chakravorty, Sc. G 20 -
245 Online training course on “Advanced Hydrology & Modeling Tools” under NHP. 19 August, 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. J.P. Patra, Sc. D and Dr. Sunil Gurrapu, Sc. C - -
246 Online training course on “Hydrological Modeling using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Theory and Hands-on” under NHP 16-20 August, 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Nema, Sc. D and Dr. Vishal Singh, Sc. C - -
247 Mass awareness program for students of KV-1, Roorkee (online) was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 13 August, 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. V.C Goyal, Sc. G 100 -
248 Mass awareness program for students of Shiksha Sadan Inter College, Mehwad Kalan, Roorkee was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security” 11 August, 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Goel, Sc. G 50 -
249 Online training course on “Application of Remote Sensing & GIS in Water Recourses” under NHP. 09-13 August, 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Vishal Singh, Sc. C and Dr. S.K. Jain, Sc. G - -
250 Mass awareness program for UG students of Engineering College (online) was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security”. 04 August, 2021 CFMS, Guwahati Dr. S.K. Sharma, Sc. C 36 -
251 Online training course on “Advanced Hydrology” under NHP. 02-06 August, 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Manohar Arora, Sc. E and Dr. J.P. Patra,Sc. D - -
252 IEC activities in Montfort School was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security and Demonstration of Natural Treatment Plant” (No. of Participants - 20) 05 July, 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sudhir Kumar, Sc. G - -
253 Mass awareness program was organized in Phulwari Sharif Patna under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security” (No. of Participants - 30) 12 July, 2021 CFMS, Patna Dr. B. Chakravorty, Sc. G - -
254 Interaction with Gram Panchayat was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water and Environmental Issues in Assam” (No. of Participants - 15) 19 July, 2021 CFMS, Guwahati Dr. S.K. Sharma, Sc. C - -
255 Online training course on Rainfall Runoff Modeling using HEC-HMS under NHP. (No. of Participants - 21) 19-23 July, 2021 CIHRC, Bhopal Dr. R.K. Jaiswal, Sc. D & Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc. G - -
256 Online training course on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling under NHP. (No. of Participants - 16) 26-30 July, 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc. G & Dr. R.K. Jaiswal, Sc. D - -
257 A local awareness campaign/IEC activity was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on” Water Conservation and Management Polavaram Project” (No. of Participants - 70) 27 July, 2021 DRC, Kakinada Dr. Y.R.S. Rao, Sc. G - -
258 Online training course on “Groundwater Modeling using MODFLOW” under NHP. 14-18 June, 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sumant Kumar, Sc. D & Dr. Nitesh Patidar Sc. B - -
259 A local awareness campaign was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “ Water Conservation and Water Security” 14-18 June, 2021 CFMS, Kakinada Dr. Y.R.S. Rao, Sc. G - -
260 Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “IEC Activity in School” 21-25 June, 2021 HRRC, Belgaum Dr. B. Venkatesh, Sc. F - -
261 IEC activity in school was organized under Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation and Water Security” 28-June, to 2-July, 2021 CFMS, Guwahati Dr. S.K Sharma, Sc. C - -
262 Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water and Environmental Issues” 03-07 May, 2021 CFMS, Guwahati Dr. S.K Sharma, Sc. C - -
263 Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “1st War of Independence Celebration” 10-14 May 2021 WHRC, Jammu Dr. P.J. Jose, Sc. D - -
264 Celebration of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsava @ 75 years on “Water Conservation & Water Security” 17- 21 May 2021 CFMS, Guwahati Dr. S.K Sharma, Sc. C - -
265 Online training workshop for KPCL engineers at Bangalore. 08-12 Feb., 2021 HRRC, Belgaum Dr. B. Venkatesh, Sc. F - -
266 Online Stakeholders Workshop on “Modeling of Tawa Reservoir Catchment and Development of Tawa Reservoir Operation Policy” under NHP-PDS. 12 Feb., 2021 CIHRC, Bhopal Dr. Shashi P. Indwar, Sc. C - -
267 Online training course on Groundwater Salinity Issues and Management Solution under NHP. 17-19 Feb., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Gopal Krishan, Sc .C - -
268 Online training workshop on Hydrological Modeling using GWAVA. 22-26 Feb., 2021 CIHRC, Bhopal Dr. T. Thomas, Sc. E - -
269 Online training course on “Advanced Tools & Techniques for Hydrological Investigation. 22-26 Feb., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. S.M. Pingale, Sc. C - -
270 Online training course on “QGIS and its Application in Surface & Groundwater Hydrology “under NHP. 22-26 Feb., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc.G - -
271 Online training course on ‘Principal of Groundwater Hydrology’ under NHP. 24-26 Feb., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Anupma Sharma, Sc. F - -
272 One day online brainstorming session entitled “Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction in Western Himalayan Region” in digital (Video Conferencing) mode. 26 Feb., 2021 WHRC, Jammu Dr. R.V. Kale, Sc. D - -
273 Mass awareness program jointly organized by NIH, RC- Bhopal and WRD, Bhopal, MP at Sanjay Sagar Dam site under PDS project No: NIH-28¬_2017_69 titled “Return Flow- MP” under NHP. 27 Feb., 2021 CIHRC, Bhopal Dr. R.K. Jaiswal, Sc. D - -
274 2nd Online Stakeholder Workshop for ongoing PDS for Chambal Basin and special PDS on Narmada Basin. 08 Jan., 2021 CIHRC, Bhopal Dr. T. Thomas, Sc. E - -
275 Inauguration of Constructed Wetland Water Purification System by Dr. J.V. Tyagi, Director at NIH staff colony, ‘Jal Vihar’ 14 Jan.,2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Rajesh Singh, Sc. D - Wait for image
276 Online training course on Groundwater Modeling using visual MODFLOW through video conferencing training schedule. 18-22 Jan., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sumant Kumar, Sc. D & Dr. Nitesh Patidar, Sc. B - Wait for image
277 Online 10th R & D Session on NHP-PDS through. 21-22 Jan., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Sh. D.S. Rathore,Sc. F - -
278 Online training program on ‘River Basin Modeling’ under NHP. 25-29 Jan., 2021 CIHRC, Bhopal Dr. Ravi Galkate, Sc. E & Dr. R.K. Jaiswal, SC. D - -
279 Online training program on “Climate Change and Hydrological Impact Assessment” 25-29 Jan., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sunil Gurrapu, Sc. C - Wait for image
280 Online Webinar under INC-IHP on theme#5 of the IHP-VIII framework. 27 Jan., 2021 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Jyoti P Patil, Sc .D - -
281 International Workshop on ‘Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Water, Environment, Land and Society’ during 01-03 December 2020 by virtual mode. 01-03 Dec., 2020 NIH, Roorkee Organizing agencies (IAWESS), (RNTU), (NIH), (CSIR-AMPRI), (WALMI), (NCU), (CVRU) - -
282 One day Workshop on the PDS and Release of Glacial Lake Atlas of Indus River Basin. 02 Dec. 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Soban Singh Rawat,Sc. D - -
283 74th Technical Advisory Committee meeting of National Institute of Hydrology Roorkee held through virtual mode. 15 Dec., 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. V.C. Goyal, Sc. G - -
284 Celebrated 43rd Foundation day of NIH. Dr. Anil Prakash Joshi, Environmentalist & founder of HESCO was the Chief Guest of the function and addressed virtually the gathering present on the occasion. 16.Dec., 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K. Goel, Sc. G and Dr. S.D. Khobragade, Sc. F - -
285 3 days online training workshop on “Groundwater Quality and Stable Isotope Characterization for Salinity studies” under NHP-PDS. 21-23 Dec., 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Y.R Satayaji Rao, Sc. G and Shri. T Vijay, Sc. B DRC, Kakinada - -
286 Two days Webinar on ‘Spring Sustainability’ 28-29 Dec., 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. B.K. Purandara, Sc. F HRRC, Belgaum - -
287 5 Days taining course on “Data Processing for Water Quality 02 – 06 Nov. 2020 NIH Roorkee Dr. M.K Sharma, Sc. E - -
288 5 days Training course on “ Water Security for Resilience to deal with Disasters and Outbreak” 02 - 06 Nov. 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Jyoti P. Patil, Sc. D - -
289 Launch of Australia India Water Centre (ALWC) – Virtual Meeting 6 Nov. 2020 NIH Roorkee Dr. Aachana Sarkar, Sc. E - -
290 Launch of National Orientation & Inception Workshop under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary, Govt.of Goa – Virtually. 6 Nov. 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Sc. E - -
291 Ninth R & D session on PDS 11 - 12 Nov. 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. D.S Rathore, Sc. F - -
292 Outreach activities in different schools of Dist. Haridwar 12 Nov. 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Omkar Singh, Sc. F - -
293 Outreach activities in different Schools of Dist. Haridwar 18 Nov. 2020 NIH Roorkee Dr. Digamber Singh, Sc. C - -
294 Training Courses on “Application of Water Accounting Plus (WA+) Tool for Water Resources Management” under NHP through online. 16 - 20 Nov. 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. P.K.Singh, Sc. D
Dr. P.K. Mishra, Sc. C
- -
295 Two days Training Workshop through webinar/online mode on the topic “Assessment of Reservoir Sedimentation Using Geo- spatial Technique and QGIS” under NHP 19 - 20 Nov. 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. V.S. Jeyakanthan, Sc. E - -
296 Online training course on “Advanced Hydrology” under NHP 23 - 27 Nov. 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Manohar Arora, Sc E
Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc. G
- -
297 5-days online training course on “Hydrological Modelling Using SWAT” from November 30 to December 04 2020, under National Hydrology Project (NHP). 30 Nov. to 04 Dec. 2020 NIH, Roorkee Manish K Nema, Sc D
Vishal singh, Sc. C
- -
298 5 Days Online Training course on “Data Processing for Water Quality” 5-9 October, 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K.Sharma, Sc ‘E’ - -
299 5 Days Online training course on “MIKE HYDRO BASIN” Under NHP 12-16 October, 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K. Lonahi, Sc G - -
300 Training program for Senior Research Assistants (SRAs) of CWC, New Delhi 19-22 October , 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K.Sharma, Sc ‘E’ - -
301 5 Days Training courses on Hydrological Modeling using HEC-HMS and HEC–RAS under NHP 19-23 October, 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K.Lohani, Sc G - -
302 One day National Webinar on Hydroinformatics for Smart Water Management in Agriculture’ 20 October 2020 NIH, Roorkee CAE, RPCAU, Pusa Bihar with NIH, WRDM, IIT Roorkee and IARI, Roorkee - -
303 UNESCO’s special online session of Regional Streeing Committee for Asian and the Parific (RSC-AP), International Hydrological Program (IHP) 26 October 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. V.C. Goyal, Sc. G and Dr. Jyoti P Patil, Sc. D - -
304 Organized Vigilance Awareness Week (VAW-2020)–Theme: “Vigilant India, Prosperous India” (सतर्क भारत, समृद्ध भारत) at NIH 27 Oct -3 Nov, 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. M.K.Goel, Sc G - -
305 हिंदी सप्ताह -2020 (हिंदी सप्ताह के दौरान संस्थान में तीन गतिविधियाँ आयोजित हुई एंव हिंदी दिवस के अवसर पर विजेता प्रतिभागियों को पुरस्कृत किया गया I इस अवसर पर संस्थान की हिंदी पत्रिका प्रवाहिनी का भी विमोचन किया गयाI) 7-14 सितम्बर, 2020 एनआईएच, रूडकी मनोहर अरोड़ा, Sc ‘E’ एंव हिंदी अधिकारी - -
306 Organizing a Virtual Webinar on the theme on “Hydrology for Water Security in Himalaya” under the aegis of INC-IHP through Video conferencing mode. 9 September, 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. V.C.Goyal, Sc ‘G’ - -
307 Organizing a one week Training Program on “SWAT Modeling” at NIH through Video conferencing mode. 21-25 September, 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Vishal Singh, Sc ‘C’ - -
308 One day Workshop on DSS(PM) at NIH, Roorkee 24 August, 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K.Lohani, Sc G - -
309 The Review Meeting of DSS(PM) Sub-Committee was held at NIH, Roorkee 6 August, 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K.Lohani, Sc G - -
310 Eight online R& D Session on PDS under NHP at NIH, Roorkee 4-5 August, 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. D.S. Rathore,Sc G - -
311 Online training course on “Groundwater Modeling Using Visual Modflow” under NHP. 6-10 July, 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.K.Lohani, Sc G - -
312 Training course on “Hydrology Modeling using HEC-RAS and HEC-HMS” (though video conferencing), at NIH. 13-17 July, 2020 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sanjay Kumar Jain, Sc G - -
313 Training Course on “Hydrologic modelling using HEC-RAS & HEC-HMS” 2-6 March, 2020 Hyderabad Jointly organized by NIH & Irrigation & CAD Department under NHP.- Dr. Sanjay Jain Sc. G - -
314 Organization of one-day Webinar on “Sundarbans –the Case of water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink’?” sponsored by IUKWC 04 Feb. 2020 NIH Dr. Gopal Krishan, Sc G 83 1
315 Visit of undergraduate Students from D.A.V College, Muzaffarnagar 05 Feb., 2020 NIH Dr. A.R. Senthil Kumar, Sc F - -
316 NIH Laboratories visit of 9th and 11th class students of Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidhalaya Landhoura 6-7 Feb., 2020 NIH Dr. A.R. Senthil Kumar, Sc F - -
317 A lecture on a “Case study dealing with Yield of river Krishna” 07 Feb., 2020 NIH Head GWHD - -
318 Laboratories visit of 9th class students of Government Upper Middle School, Sohalpur 11 Feb., 2020 NIH Dr. A.R. Senthil Kumar, Sc F - -
319 Trainig course on "Hydrology for Water and Sanitation programme for WSSO, PHE Deptt. of Rajasthan 11-14 Feb., 2020 NIH Dr. A.R. Omkar Singh, Sc F - -
320 Five-Days Training Programme on "Hydrology and Water Resources Management of Cascade of Tank System under Climate Variability" 17-21 Feb., 2020 New Delhi Dr. V.C. Goyal, Sc G - -
321 Visit of Dr. Alena Bartosava from SMHI, Sweden in NIH 24-25 Feb., 2020 NIH Dr. Archana Sarkar, Sc E - -
322 NIH and IITR jointly oganised an international Conf. "Roorkee Water Conclave" at Roorkee on the Topic " Hydrological Aspects of Climate Change" 26-28 Feb., 2020 Roorkee Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Sc E - -
323 Training Course on “ Advance Hydrology” under NHP 6-10 Jan.,2020 Jaipur Dr. A.K.Lohani,Sc G - -
324 Training Workshop on “Google Earth Engine Application in water Resources” with NIH 6-10 Jan., 2020 WRD Gandhinagar Dr. A.K.Lohani, Sc G - -
325 SHM Model Meet at NIH under NHP 23 Jan., 2020 NIH Dr.M.K.Goel, SC G - -
326 80th Governing Body of NIH 27 Jan., 2020 New Delhi Director, NIH Roorkee - -
327 7th R & D Session on PDS of NHP 16-17 Dec, 2019 CWC, New Delhi Dr. Sanjay K. Jain, Sc G - -
328 One day Brainstorming session on “ Hydrological Modeling for Water Resources Management organized by NIH 26 Dec, 2019 Bhopal T. Thomas Sc E - -
329 2 Weeks Training Program on “Climate Change and Hydrological Impact Assessment” 2-13 Dec, 2019 NIH Roorkee Dr. Sunil Gurrapu, Sc G - -
330 Organisation of One Day Training Course on Tally 4 Dec, 2019 NIH Roorkee FO - -
331 Hands on training on “Google Earth Engine Application In Water Resources” under NHP 4-7 Dec, 2019 New Delhi Dr. A.K. Lohani , Sc G - -
332 Training Program on “Geospatial Applications in Hydrology : Theory & Practice “. 9-13 Dec, 2019 NIH Roorkee Dr. Deepak Singh Bisht, Sc B - -
333 6वी राष्ट्रीय जल संगोष्ठी 16-17 Dec, 2019 एनआईएच रूडकी डॉ० मनोहर अरोरा, वैज्ञानिक ई - -
334 Stakeholders workshop on “Preparation of Strategic Land and Water Management Plan for Rejuvention of Rispana river System” 26 Dec, 2019 Dehradun Dr. R.P. Pandey, Sc G - -
335 Understanding aquifer systems of Sunderbans- special emphasis on ASR using saline aquifers to improve farmers livelihood sponsored by IUKWC 26 Dec, 2019 Salt lake, Kolkata Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist C 30 2
336 49th Meeting of the Working Group 4-5 Nov, 2019 NIH, Roorkee Dr. V.C. Goyal - -
337 5- Days Training Course on “ Tools & Techniques for Hydrological Investigation” 4-8 Nov, 19 NIH, Roorkee Sc.G Dr.S.M. Pingle - Training Report
338 Training course on Remote sensing and GIS with Special Emphasis on Hydrological Model under NHP 11-15 Nov,19 Aizawl, Mizoram Sc.C Dr Sanjay K Jain Scientist 'G',Vishal Singh Scientist 'C' 22 -
339 Two Days Training course on e-office 13-14 Nov, 19 NIH, Roorkee Sc.C Dr. A.K. Lohani - -
340 14th RCC Meeting of NIH at CFMS 15 Nov, 19 CFMS, Guwahati Sc.G Dr. R.P. Pandey
341 Training Course on “ Hydrologic Modeling for Decision Making” under NHP 18-29 Nov, 19 NIH, Roorkee Sc.G Dr. A.K. Lohani 21 -
342 Three –Days workshop on “ Estimating Flood & Drought Risk in India: from Research to Practice” 25-27 Nov, 19 Mumbai Sc.G
343 Organization of one day workshop on “Zero Waste Society” 1 Oct, 19 Dr. Deepa Chalisgaonkar, Sc G
344 Celebration of 150th Birth Ceremony of Mahatma GandhI 2 Oct, 19 SAO
345 Training course on “Hydrological Modeling Using HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS” 9 -10 Oct, 19 Dr. A.K. Lohani, Sc G
346 Training Course “application of Remote Hydrographic Survey Boat and its Processing Software” 10-12 Oct, 19 Dr. Omkar Singh, Sc F
347 Organizing a NIDM sponsored national level training course on “Flood Risk Management and Water Sector DRR" 14-18 Oct, 19 Dr. Archana Sarkar, Sc D
348 ISO-9001:2015 Internal Auditor Training Course 15 Oct, 19 Dr. V.C. Goyal, Sc G
349 Vigilance Awareness Week, 2019 28 Oct-2 Nov, 19 Dr. M.K. Goel, Sc G
  • Workshop on "Integrated' Water Resources Management"
  • Inauguration of Auditorium
4-5 Sept, 19 Dr. Sanjay Jain, Sc G
351 Outreach Activates in Methodist Girls P.G. College, Roorkee under Swachhta Pakhwada-2019 6 Sept, 19 Dr. Omkar Singh, Sc F
352 Two Days Training Course on " New Features of ArcGIS & Introduction to ArcGIS Pro" 11-12 Sept, 19 Dr. M.K. Nema, ScC
353 Organization of Swachhata-Hi-Sewa (SHS)-Plastic free Campaign 11 Sept to 27 Oct, 19 Dr. L.N.Thakural, ScC
354 हिंदी पखवाड़ा कार्यक्रम 16 Sept, 19 डॉ. मनोहर अरोरा Sc. D
355 Participation of NIH in "Regional Science Exhibition - Jalvigyan Pradarshani" Under KV-1 Roorkee 20 Sept, 19 Dr. Omkar Singh, Sc F
356 Organized Special Session In Future Earth Conference at Bangalore 24-27 Sept, 19 Dr. Jyoti Patil, ScC
357 Inception Workshop on SSAP ( Water) for Andaman, Portblair 27 Sept, 19 Dr. N.G.Pandey, Sc E
358 Participation and Exhibition- India Water Week (IWW) -2019 25-28 Sept, 19 Dr. A.R.Senthil Kumar, Sc F
359 हिंदी कार्यशाला का आयोजन 26-27 Sept, 19 डॉ. मनोहर अरोरा Sc. D
360 Workshop on "Inception Cum-Need Assessment" of IC EcoWS project a DST sponsored project Aug 8-9, 2019 NIH, Roorkee - - -
361 Organize Sixth R & D session Under NHP Aug 8-9, 2019 NIH, Roorkee - - -
362 Training course on "Hydrological Modeling using SWAT" Aug 19-24 , 2019 HRRC, Belgaum - - -
363 Training course on "Water Budgeting tool for river basin using Google earth engine application" under NHP Aug 19-23, 2019 NIH, Roorkee - - -
364 Regional workshop on Groundwater Recharge, Reduction in Soil Salinity- solutions and way forward for Indian Sunderbans sponsored by IUKWC” August 07, 2019 ICAR-CSSRI, Canning town, West Bengal Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist C 23 3
365 Community workshop on participatory groundwater management (PGWM) sponsored by IUKWC” August 03, 2019 Karakoti, Sunderabn, West Bengal Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist C 20 4
366 Workshop on "Water resource System modelling for global change impacts assessment and adaptation" organized jointly by NIH and Water Science Institute , Cranfield University ,UK July 12, 2019 NIH, Roorkee - - -
367 Training course on groundwater of Punjab with special emphasis on groundwater salinity organized by NIH under NHP July 16-18, 2019 Chandigarh - - -
368 Decision Support System(Planning and Management)-Contract was signed between NIH and DHI(India) for DSS(PM) July 18, 2019 NIH, Roorkee - - -
369 Hands-on training course on "Water security assessment for Nation Building" July 23-27, 2019 NIH, Roorkee - - -
370 Groundwater issues in Punjab with special emphasis on salinity sponsored by NHP 16-07-2019 to 18-07-2019 Forest complex, Mohali Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist C 34 5
371 72nd Meeting of Technical Advisory Committee. June 3, 2019 NIH, Roorkee - -
372 28th Regional Co-Ordination Committee Meeting of Deltaic Regional Centre (DRC) of National Institute of Hydrology Kakinada. June 10, 2019 NIH, Kakinada - -
373 18th R.C.C (Regional Coordination Committee) Meeting of the centre for Flood Management Studies, National Institute of Hydrology, Patna. June 11, 2019 NIH, Patna - -
374 Community workshop on participatory groundwater management (PGWM) sponsored by IUKWC June 13, 2019 Sandeshkhali, Sunderabn, West Bengal Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist C 25 7
375 Community workshop on participatory groundwater management (PGWM) sponsored by IUKWC June 14, 2019 Gosaba, Sunderabn, West Bengal Dr. Gopal Krishan, Scientist C 31 6
376 Training Course "Water Quality Assessment & Management" under the PDS project (Water Quality Assessment of the Southwest Punjab Emphasizing Carcinogenic Contaminants and their possible Remedial Measures), National Hydrology Project. June 17-21, 2019 NIH, Roorkee - 29
377 Orientation Program on “Geospatial Technologies For Decision Makers” (With a Theme: Water Resources ) Sponsored By Department of Science and Technologies (DST). June 19-21, 2019 NIH, Roorkee - 25 PDF
378 Training Course On “Conservation and Management of Lakes, Wetlands and Springs". June 24-28, 2019 NIH, Roorkee - 24
379 48th Metting of the Working Group May 2-3, 2019 NIH, Roorkee
380 Training Course on Hydrologic Modelling Using SWAT May 20-31, 2019 NIH, Roorkee
381 Organization of "Orientation Training" for newly recruited Scientist May 27-28 , 2019 NIH, Roorkee
382 नराकास, हरिद्वार के रूडकी स्थित सदस्य संस्थानों/कार्यालयों के लिए हिंदी कार्यशाला का आयोजन April 29, 2019 NIH, Roorkee
383 Study Tour of 24 AC Re-Orientation & Refresher course March 01, 2019 NIH, Roorkee 32
384 First Stakeholder workshop on the PDS under NHP titled "Impact Assesment of the upcoming Irrigation Project and climate change on the Drought and Desertificastion Scenario for Chambal Basin in Western Madhya Pradesh" Coordinator: Dr. L.N Thakural, Sc C March 01, 2019 NIH, Roorkee 26
385 Organization of Training Course on "Advanced Hydrology" durining 05.03.2019-09.03.2019 at NIH, Roorkee National Hydrology Project." Coordinator: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Jain, Sc G March 05- 09, 2019 NIH, Roorkee
386 A Brain Storming Session on “Water for All by 2030: Leaving no one behind" world water day - 2019 Coordinator: Dr. L.N Thakural, Sc C 22 March, 2019 NIH, Roorkee PDF
387 Cleaning of Village Pond 17 March, 2019 NIH, Roorkee Er.Omkar Singh, Sc-F, Er. Digambar Singh, Sc-C, Sh.N.R Allaka, RA, Sh.Naresh Kumar, Tech, Sh. Dayal Singh,Assistant, Ms. Neelam Bohra, LDC PDF
388 Brain Storming Session(World Water Day) 22 March, 2019 NIH, Roorkee Dr. Sanjay Kumar Jain, Sc-G, Dr. L.N Thakural, Sc C, Sh. Furqan Ullah AL&IO Mrs. Kiran Ahuja, PA PDF
389 Motivating School Children for cleaning sctivites and plantation 25 March, 2019 NIH, Roorkee Dr. A.R.S Kumar, Sc-F, Dr. L.N Thakural, Sc C Sh. Rajesh Nema, Sc-B Sh.Rajesh Agarwal, SRA, Sh. S.k Satyarthi, JE Mrs. Charu Pandey, LIA PDF
390 Drawing/Poster Competition for children and rally 25 March, 2019 NIH, Roorkee Dr. L.N Thakural, Sc C Dr. Sunil Gurrapu, Sc-C, Sh.OM Parkash, SRA, Mrs. Kiran Ahuja, PA Mrs. Asha Chaudhry,RP PDF
391 Workshop for women on cleaniness,sanitation and water conservation 28 March, 2019 NIH, Roorkee Dr. D.Chalisgaonkar, Sc-G, Dr. Swapnali BArman, Sc-C, Sh. S.k Satyarthi, JE Rajneesh Goel, AO Pardeep Kumar,LDC Sh. Padam Sharma, MTS PDF
392 Technical visit for the students (class 9-12) of GIC, Daulatpur (Dist. Haridwar), Coordinator: Dr. L. N. Thakural, Sc C Feb 02, 2019 NIH, Roorkee 90
393 Training Programme on Water Quality Monitoring of Surface , Ground, Waste Water/ Effluent, Data Interpretation and Quality Assurance Coordinator: Dr. C. K. Jain, Sc G Feb 11-13 , 2019 NIH, Roorkee 21 PDF
394 5-Days Training Course on Coastal Zone Water Resources: Challenges, Investigation Technique and Management. Coordinator: Dr. M. Someshwar Rao, Sc E Feb 11-15 , 2019 NIH, Roorkee 15 PDF
395 One day workshop under Sarwa Shikshya Abhiyan Coordinator: Dr. A. K. Lohani, Sc G Feb 22,2019 NIH, Roorkee
396 Training Course on Sediment Yield & Reservoir Sedimentation Coordinator: Dr. P. K. Singh, Sc D; Er. M. K. Nema, Sc C Feb 25 to March 01 , 2019 NIH, Roorkee 12
397 Training Course on Hydrological Modeling using HEC-HMS & HEC-RAS Coordinator: Dr. A. K. Lohani, Sc G Feb 27 to March 01 , 2019 WRD, Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh
Page last updated on 06.06.2024