Water Quality Lab :- Portable Water Quality Kit, Flame Photometer, pH meter, EC meter, Spectrophotometer, Type I Water Filtration System, Digital Titrator, Precision Weighing Balance
Remote Sensing and GIS Lab – ArcGIS 10.8, ERDAS Imagine 2020, Handheld GPS, DSLR Camera, PC and Printer and Scanner, SOI Toposheets
Meteorological Observatory - Sunshine recorder, Manual type Rain gauge, Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge with Data Logger, Stevenson Screen with Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometers, Max and Min. Thermometer, Evaporation Pan
Laboratory Capabilities for Measurement/Determination:
Water Quality Lab – Water quality parameters: pH, EC, Hardness (temporary and permanent), Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NO3-, SO4-2, Cl-, F-, PO4-, H4SiO4, etc.
Soil Water Lab – Texture Analysis, Permeability, Infiltration Index of soil