To give advice to Central and State Governments and their agencies on matters related to Climate Change; to appoint expert panels to consider special problems to advice the committee.
To prepare and periodically update the state of art in the country in different branches of Climate Change; to disseminate information related to Climate Change by way of publishing journals, research news/digests; to support and conduct mass awareness programmes like seminars/ conferences/ workshops; and to arrange R&D review sessions for Climate Change.
To undertake studies on evolution of Climate Change and introduce perspective planning for research in Climate Change.
To recommend funding for the infrastructure development of Climate Change research institutions; to recommend recognition of Centres of Excellence in Climate Change; to maintain effective cooperation with other National Committees /Boards, related GoI/State Ministries, CSIR Labs, IITs, Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics, Universities and other academic institutions.
To coordinate the R&D activities in Climate Change in general and to coordinate R&D programme of the MoWR in particular; to monitor the progress made by the executing institutions on research schemes; to identify areas which need immediate attention; to avoid overlaps in the research programmes of the different institutions, to invite and encourage R&D proposals in areas where work being done is inadequate; to encourage the national institutions, voluntary, professional bodies and non commercial NGOs to take up R&D in Climate Change.
To promote HRD programmes, leading to specialisation of research staff and recommend encouragement for the outstanding research personnel.
To promote and coordinate effective participation of India in the international programmes related to Climate Change and to act as national committee for such international bodies where required.
To encourage indigenous industry through loans to take up technological development in Climate Change.