Hindi Cell, NIH Roorkee
In order to ensure proper implementation of the Official Language Policy of the Govt in NIH Roorkee, a full fledged independent Hindi Cell with the following objectives was established in the year 2000.This Cell is responsible to implement the Official Language Act, the Rules made there under and the instructions regarding use of Hindi in the Institute and its six Regional centres located at Kakinada, Belagavi, Guwahati, Bhopal, Jammu and Patna :-
- To ensure the strict compliance of instructions/guidelines regarding the policy related suggestions and constitutional provisions issued by the Dept. of Official Language pertaining to Official Language Act and Rules etc.
- Translation work of administrative, technical and non-technical nature from English to Hindi and vice-versa.
- To create awareness about the rules and regulations pertaining to Official Language Hindi and to make the employees acquainted with the various aspects of Official Language Policy of the Govt. on various topics of Rajbhasha Hindi, Hindi Workshop is organized in every quarter.
- With a view to create a conducive atmosphere for the progressive use of Hindi in the Institute, every year Hindi Maas is organized with great enthusiasm and zeal in which various Hindi competitions are held. Those perform better in these competitions are given away cash awards and merit certificates.
- For reviewing the progress of Hindi works and to discuss the suitable measures to increase the use of Hindi in Official dealing, Official Language lmplementation Committee (OLLC) constituted under the Chairmanship of Director NIH, meets once in every quarter.
- Publication of In-house Hindi Magazine (Annual), Pravahini, Institute's half yearly technical magazine "Jal Chetna" is also brought out.
- Regular participation in the various activities of TOLIC (Town Official Language lmplementation Committee) is ensured.
- Timely submission of Hindi progress report, Annual evaluation report and other reports to MOWR, Dept. of Official Language and TOLIC Haridwar respectively.
- As per the instructions of MOWR, a National Symposium of a specific water related issue is organized in every 4th year in which Scientists/Engineers/Scholars participate and present their research papers.
- This cell also organizes a workshop in Hindi for village women and school going children on the various topics related to water, water quality and conservation. This event takes place once in a year.
Besides above, 10 employees of the Institute are given cash prizes each year for doing maximum work in Hindi under the incentive scheme "Noting/Drafting originally in Hindi".
The responsibility of execution of all these works has been entrusted to the following officials of the institute:-
OIC Rajbhasha : Dr. Soban Singh Rawat, Scientist-F
Senior Translator : Shri Pradeep Kumar Uniyal
Personal Assistant : Shri Pawan Kumar
Multitasking Staff : Shri Rajendra Kumar