Hydrology and Water Resources
Practicing hydrologyWater Resources Management in India
Basic of Surface Water Hydrology
Surface Water Modelling
Observation and Processing of Precipitation DataEvapotranspiration
Surface Water Data Processing Using SWDES
Introduction to Hydrologic Modeling
Rainfall-Runoff Analysis and Modelling
Flood Estimation by Unit Hydrograph Techniques
Standarized Precipitation Index (SPI)
Reservoir Operations
Introduction to Reservoir OperationDetermination of Reservoir Storage Capacity
Environmental Flows
Groundwater Modelling
Introduction to Groundwater ModellingData Requirements For Groundwater Modelling
Assessment of Groundwater Potential
Groundwater Data Requirement and Analysis
Application of RS & GIS in Water Resources
Introduction and Principles of GISCoordinates System, Map Scales and Projection
Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Crop Mapping
Web based GIS applications to Water Resources
Practical Training on Remote Sensing and GIS with Special Emphasis to Soil/Water Conservation and Management
Flood Studies using Remote Sensing and GIS
Climate Change
Introduction to Climate ChangeDownscaling Methods in Climate Change Studies
Hydrological Modelling Using HEC-HMS & HEC-RAS